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Hello everyone.

 I am working on Sarada training 1.8. and if everything goes right, I will finish it in this week.... 

 Temari and Kaguya will be implemented in the game and question is who will be next? Most of favorite characters is already playable, so maybe it is time to pick only 1 character and add some new scenes for the favorite girls... 

 Or implement the new village where you can find only "seduced" girls and give the new goal to the game - actual harem "playable ending" with the multi orgy girl scene.... 

PS: I plan to implement all girls you see down in the list in the game sooner or later....

Thanks for support...



moar tsunade scene. btw, have you seen rtenzo stuff? his drawing of naruto in thicc form is superb


I'd like can see the kunoichis with aspect that have in Naruto and Tsunade loli Version

Anthony Docimo

a thought: perhaps at one point during the Harem Village, we face a threat from the main village...all the people the main character failed to get under his control, are now arrayed against him - either all at once, or little by little.


She is hot :) but unfortunatelly not very popular :(


Yeah... I like his work - the siize of boobs is just too OP... I hope I can make something like that in future just need to understatn the shapes better....


Yeah it can work... But I wonder how you want to "deffend" against them in the village...

Anthony Docimo

well, and this is just me thinking aloud...since they're not in the harem because the MC failed to adequately hypnotise (et al) them, further hypnosis might not work (or might only slow them down)...but the MC has another option now: using his harem against the invaders, as each member has her own specialty. (say, Ino against Sarata)


Hinata. Tsunade. Sakura are top... then maybe Ino...