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Hello everyone.

It look like Sarada training is almost complete I work hard this days on it. After release I want to start working on next Vault repopulation update. So please vote what you want - you can wote for every option or just one.

1. Finish blind spots - create 3rd slave in slave city, hideout need more girls and scenes and other unfinished things

2. Rework milking system draw new charactrer as a milkgirl or more milkgirls - different milk mechanic

3. Add new location to main map with some new characters

4. This one can be atached to previous it can be an option to edit stats of lab / obbee and change their personalities but no xxx

5. Write more story for characters you want and maybe draw them some scenes

6. Create new characters - maybe they can appear in special days or in some locations

7. Proof reader - buy program to proofread (I am open to any suggestion) and slowly try to correct my gramatic... that is still harder because game is bigger and bigger.

If you have any other ideas write them down or if you want to say something to some of points.

Thanks for support...



For the first one, you could actually instead of making a mandatory 3rd woman, you could leave the slot open, to allow one of your settlers, or even your robot women to fill it, in order to get some extra cash, and create other quests for it too.


Keep up the good work!


I was a little disappointed we couldn't do anything with the female Deathclaw (unless I never found the option XD)


That can be pretty hard to program. I mean add random person ther.. but i can add special settler to vault and she can be put there to earn some extra cash...


Yes i was thinking about her many times.... look like drawing her tail is more difficult then it look.... i want to make some scene for her too but not sure what kind off...


new character and locations)))


Yeah, I wouldn't worry about the proof reading since most of us can get pass that barrier and more interested in your 'story' xD


Story development with artemis :D


I know I already told this but, I can help you with the proof reading, it wont be that great. By help I mean you dont have to pay me. Just tell me you are up to it.


Hello thanks for offer I just extract dialogs. It is in this post <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-possbility-15407345">https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-possbility-15407345</a> ... If you repair some of them I will be happy....