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Hello everyone.

I create the version of V.R.1.5. on mac - not sure if it work because I dont have anything to test... If you run it and it work let me know...

Thanks for support



How i can have this game on iphone7


Hi Kamos. I cant test it on Mac but dont know where to ask my question. Is it a bug that i cant get into Sisterhood ? and when im in the bar and leave it there appears some text with ??? Pussy. should there something happen ? and why i can buy a Dildo ? ive a lot of fun with VR 1.5 and absolutly want to give you a few more bucks for this nice Game cuz i want to see more ^^ can i use the E Room for anything ? and where is the milk girl this mission seems to be bugged and i cant get into the Bar in Market District cuz nowhere seems do be the permission to find so i cant go in. sorry when i bother you with this questions.


Hi. Sorry but is in not possible for now... I try to make one in x code but need to learn how that program work first...


Hello Marry. For now it is not possible to get inside the sisterhood you can only support them when you give them sperm + some missions with deandrea... sisterhood rework is planed on version 1.7. with new characters and story.... when you levave the bar pussy is mean as insult from random person (It also stack some random value and can help player to talk with chitsa but that is also planed for other version of game)... buying dildo now dont have any meaning but why dont bu it??? E room can be used to assign dweller and gain some coins first you need to complete raperesearch in living room for that you need special fev injection from Deandrea... Milk girl is located near the Milkypolis just click on Milkypolis and click look arround after a time you will hear the ambush click on answers - try find the scream source - help her - attack them - then milkgirl appear in your vault - lab - milking room..... bar in market square is open only when you help Ina - the intruder... this mission is time locked and it is only possible to complete in day 40 - automaticly start at this day all you need to do is give her 1000 coins.... If you have more questions write I will answer :)


Thx for the answer @Kamos the God of Creators himself ^^ i say im a little bit of an idiot ! with your very exact hints its like ive startet a kind of Booster to the game ! Not on the end at this moment and will figure some things out alone :) But maybe you can give me a hint at which day the war starts ? with all the factions and have therefore all missions on the mission menu to be done ? and ive read you planning some new rooms ? Can you please give us a "Very Naughty and more Evil Torture Chamber ?" maybe more actions to do with the girls there ? Your Easter Egg for the Whipps was a nice thing ! PS, Can we give you some Money for your work Outside of Patreon ? I cant give any game on Patreon a 10$ Pledge my Budget for this month is already wasted! But maybe more People would give you 5$ Bucks out of nowhere outside of this "Crappy" Monthly System :) and for this moment im an Old Fallout 1 Veteran from start ^^ belive it or not the best thing when the game starts are the Replica Buttons that was a good idea! i see a lot of Potential in this game and a big Fanbase also ! Your work for New images and please more Naughty and Explicit Version are very Good ! maybe a lot more action on the Girls at this Version there are a good amount of it but you know Bigger is Better ! Belive me. so more Action on Girls is Better ! Belive me. ^^


PPS, i forgot ... the Dildo i thought was for The Slave Master or can we do more with her Pussy ? and you know im maybe not he smartest one is there any Nice Content with the Vault AIs ? Why Build a good enyoiable Body and waste Materials for just a few Outside Missions ? My first in mind was yeaahh a Sexy Robot Sex Scene with Submissive Bot ! ^^ but nothing in this Version ? Thx for your answers :)


huh I am not sure what you mean by Vault Als... But if I understant your idea is to build own slave bot? It can be possible dweller can find a new part for robot... I think I can add new vault room or something with possibility to build own robot but not sure if I can draw hot robot :( For dildo and slave leader it would be available in next version with milkypolis rework...


Thanks for your answers. I meant Obee and L.A.B ^^ And yeah a very good idea with the Slave bot including Obee and L.A.B ? Oh man that would be nice :) Maybe in the new big and advanced Torture Chamber with Whipps ? and more Slaves of course ^^ Obee and L.A.B are Hot as Hell we want to use them in a more Propper way. You already give hints in the comments Obee makes when we talk with her. thank you for your work and good game :) i Pledged 5$ in lack of information to pay you otherwise ^^


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