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January 2021 Rewards have been sent! If there is anyone who has not received a reward even though the payment of January 2021 is finished, please send a message or leave a comment!

2021년 1월 리워드가 발송되었습니다! 만약 2021년 1월분의 결제가 이뤄지셨음에도 리워드를 받지 못한분이 계신다면 꼭 메시지를 보내주시거나 댓글을 남겨주세요!

It's really, really late! I'm really sorry! ToT
정말정말 늦었습니다! 죄송합니다! ㅠㅠ

I didn't tell you before the deadline because it seemed like an excuse, but I couldn't work properly from January 31st to February 2nd because I had a cold...;

마감하기 전에 말씀드려봐야 변명같아서 말씀 안드렸는데, 1월31일부터 2월2일까지 감기때문에 작업을 제대로 못했거든요..;

But if I were late even though I work overnight three days, I would have been late even if I didn't get a cold... I'm sorry...;;

근데 3일 밤새고도 늦은거보면 감기기운 없었어도 지각했었겠네요...죄송합니다..;;

I'm going to start the next month's work right away. Since the January deadline is delayed, there is a high possibility that the February deadline will be delayed, so I'll have to run hard from now on.

다음달 작업물은 지금바로 시작하려고 합니다. 1월 마감이 늦어진만큼 2월 마감도 늦어질 가능성이 높기에 지금부터 빡세게 달려야겠어요.

I'm going to decide February's characters from now on because I haven't thought of February characters because I'm busy working on January.

1월 작업이 바빴던 탓에 2월 캐릭터들도 생각해놓지 않아서 지금부터 결정하려고합니다.

Anyway, It's busy and busy again. I'll do my best in February, too!

아무튼 바쁘고 또 바쁘네요. 2월달에도 열심히 그리겠습니다!

I'll see you at the next live broadcast.

Thank you so much for your support and patience! Have a great day! :)

그러면 라이브방송때 뵙겠습니다.

후원해주시고 기다려주셔서 정말정말 감사합니다! 좋은 하루되세요! :)



When will it be on gumroad?