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Here is the current progress.
현재 진행상황입니다.

I'm almost done with two pictures, so I'll be done them in three or four days. But I think I'll be spending more than six days in the other two.
2장은 거의 다 끝나서 3~4일이면 끝냅니다만 다른 두장에 6일이상 투자가 될것같습니다.

I'll try as fast as I can, but I'll try to finish it up to 10 days.
최대한 빠르게 해보겠습니다만, 어떻게든 10일정도까지 끝내보도록 해보겠습니다.

I'm sorry I haven't heard from you for so long. And Thank you for worrying about me and for asking how I'm doing.
소식이 너무 뜸했네요. 걱정해주신 분들이나 안부 물어주신 분들 모두 감사합니다.

Thank you so much for your support. :)
후원해주셔서 정말 감사합니다. :)

I hope you're careful of COVID 19 and stay healthy.
다들 코로나 조심하시고 건강하시길 바라겠습니다.