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Art by Rabies T Lagomorph / Story by Kennycomix




Cookout just keeps getting better and better 🤤

Daniel Onuoha

Been eagerly waiting for this. Pam is my favorite of the women in this series. Super busty (gotta respectfully disagree with the previous post, Pam's tits are definitely shown to be massive even when compared to the female characters) with a well toned body and ass to complete the ultimate MILF form. As far as Rabies's MILF characters, Pam is probably top 3 for me behind Jane Herron and maybe tied with Jenny Summers. Thank you Kenny and Rabies, keep up the good work 👍🏽.


Those characters don’t belong to Rabies, Jenny belongs to The PIT and Jane belongs to Slutwriter. Pam belongs to Kenny. Rabies is just the artist, not the creator. My favourite NSFW character of all time is Jenny Summers, tied with Jane Herron along with Kenny’s Alice Cooper and Hermione Lodge. The reason being that all of those characters are supreme in certain regards in their universes. Jenny was created to be the most astonishingly beautiful girl and to have the most gigantic tits in the Coxville Universe, and Jane was created to be “the ultimate fuck machine” of the SQS universe, and to be the ultimate ultra busty bimbo milf, with unsurpassed sexual skill and experience as well as having the most gigantic gravity defying bimbo tits in the SQS universe, not the biggest tits overall, Jane has the second biggest tits after her younger sister Veronica but Veronica has different shaped tits to Jane, with Veronica having enormous natural shaped tits and Jane having the most gigantic gravity defying, all natural, bimbo tits, so she still reigns supreme in that regard. Kenny’s Alice Cooper has the most gigantic tits in Kenny’s Riverdale Universe and Hermione has the most gigantic ass. I asked Kenny about Alice and Hermione and he confirmed that Alice has the most gigantic tits and Hermione has the most gigantic ass. The Coopers being famous for having the most gigantic tits and the Lodges for having the most enormous asses. Each of select few girls that compose my list of my absolute favourite NSFW characters ever reign supreme in a certain physical regard in their respective universes, however whilst I love Pam, you are wrong, she is constantly drawn with tits smaller than Shondra, Kiesha and even her own daughters. Pam tits are drawn as smaller than Shondra’s tits in every panel of this comic where they are shown together or separately on the same page. The Patterson’s and Simmonds were created to contrast physically. The Patterson’s created to have the most gigantic tits in the Belleville Universe and the Simmonds created to have the most gigantic asses. This is shown well with the differences between the daughters. Molly and Lindsay having the most gigantic tits out of all the teens in the Belleville Universe and Aleysha having the most enormous ass. When Molly and Lindsay are compared to Aleysha, this is shown clearly, with Molly and Lindsay having small asses compared to Aleysha’s massive ass, but then Aleysha has small tits compared to Molly and Lindsay. This emphasises the physical dynamic between the Patterson’s and Simmonds girls. However, whenever Pam is drawn, be it here or anywhere else, her tits are always drawn as smaller than Shondra’s, Kiesha’s and every other milf that we see. So you are wrong when you say they are drawn as huge compared to other female characters. Shondra is drawn to have more massive tits than Pam, so is Kiesha and the other Milfs. Plus, this is also emphasised by the fact that they are never recognised as huge by any of the other characters. Terrance didn’t say a word about her tits in the Dinner comic, Jamal doesn’t even comment about them in this comic, there never has been any praise for them. Pam’s tits are the most gigantic tits in the Belleville Universe and yet none of the guys act like they are impressive in any way. They are the most massive tits that Jamal, Terrance and Ty have ever seen and yet they act like they are small and unimpressive, never passing comment on how amazing they are or how impossibly big they are. Pam has never given a proper titfuck in any of the main comics, despite her tits being her cardinal trait. She never gave a titifuck in the Dinner comic and she hasn’t given a proper titfuck in this comic either. Her tits are never used or praised as part of the sexual antics of the Belleville Universe. Meanwhile Shondra’s ass is a source of amazement snd astonishment for Bill and is constantly shown off as huge and we are left in no doubt about it being the most massive ass in the Belleville universe, with Shondra being put in positions snd poses to show it off to the maximum. But Pams tits don’t get the same treatment. You can see clearly in the art how Pams tits are drawn as much smaller than the likes of Shondra. In the very first comic when the families meet and the characters are lined up, Pams tits are far smaller than Shondra’s, with Shondra’s tits drawn as far far bigger on that page. In the Christmas Belleville Rabies art from a few years ago, Shondra’s tits were again drawn as far more massive than Pam’s, with Shondra giving a titfuck and Pam not giving one, and then now in the Cookout comic, Shondra’s tits are drawn as far bigger again. Just take a look at the scene where Pam and Shondra embrace in the back yard at the Simmonds house near the start of the comic, and you will see how Shondra’s tits are far bigger than Pam’s in that scene on that page, despite them being drawn right next to each other. Plus, Shondra’s ass is stared at by Bill and given a whole panel of focus, but Pam’s tits don’t get the same treatment. We don’t see Ty or any of the Simmonds guys staring at Pam’s tits, since Shondra’s tits are far bigger and she also has the most massive ass ever. Plus, on the cover the Cookout comic, Pam’s tits are drawn as smaller then Lindsay’s, Lindsay being in the centre with the most massive tits. Pam’s tits are supposed to be the most massive but are constantly drawn as smaller than the other Milfs and even the daughters. You won’t find anyone more saddened by this fact than me since Pam would have been on my list of my absolute favourite NSFW character of all time if she was in fact drawn with the most massive tits, like Alice is in Kenny’s Riverdale Universe, but she isn’t and so it’s just a source of frustration and sadness to see Pam constantly outclassed in the tit department by pretty much every other milf and her own daughters.