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Art by Rabies T Lagomorph / Story by Kennycomix




Love it Kenny!!! Getting to see Pam is always a dream for me, I'm glad we're getting to see more of her in this comic. I love her more than anything. I really hope we get to see Pam's legendary, gigantic Patterson tits on display in all their glory in the coming pages. The only critique I have is that so far, Pam hasn't been put in a position or pose that really shows off her tits whereas Shondra is always in a pose or position that shows off her legendary, enormous Simmons ass and her massive tits. Plus, Shondra has the biggest ass in the Belleville Universe and its her legendary cardinal trait, its always emphasised as being so like at the start of this comic and I can't wait to see Bill burying his face between Shondra's gigantic ass globes. Rabies seems to constantly draw Shondra as having the most massive ass, which she does, but also as having more massive tits than Pam, which she doesn't, Pam is supposed to have the biggest tits in the Belleville Universe and yet whenever she is drawn alongside Shondra or in the same panel as Shondra, Rabies always draws Pam as having smaller tits that Shondra and its really saddening to see. Shondra already has the biggest ass in the Belleville Universe and the way Rabies draws Pam its like she has no physical attribute where she surpasses Shondra. It makes Shondra seem super OP physically. Pam is one of the legendary OG sluts of the Belleville Universe and as the ultimate example of the ultra busty, blue eyed, blonde haired bimbo milf archetype, her titanic tits are her cardinal trait and the cardinal trait of the Patterson girls, with Pam's tits being the most massive tits ever, however this is never borne out in the art. Shondra is always drawn with her ass shown off really well as it should be and with her tits being shown off in every panel she's in, whereas in every panel Pam has been in so far her tits as drawn smaller than Shondra's and never in a position where their true, immense size can be seen properly. We have seen how massive Shondra's ass is but we never get to see Pam's tits drawn in a way that shows how truly massive they are. As someone who is a huge fan of Pam and who loves her as their favourite character, it saddening to see her always drawn by Rabies as being inferior to Shondra when Pam is supposed to have the bigger tits and Shondra the bigger ass. I really hope we get to see Pam at least give terrance a titfuck. Bill is going to toss Shondra's salad which focuses on Shondra's ass which is good since that is Shondra's legendary physical trait, so I hope Pam will use her gigantic tits on Terrance so that her interaction with him focuses on Pam's legendary cardinal physical trait, they being her enormous tits. Pam's tits have never really been focussed on in the way Shondra's ass is in the dialogue and art. Shondra's ass was mentioned at the start of the comic as something Bill was in love with but Pam's tits, which are her iconic trait, are never mentioned by any of the characters as being impressive and that is sad since the characters should be astonished by Pam's tits since they are the biggest tits any of them have seen and will see. Shondra's ass gets all the attention but Pam's tits get very little love.


Nice work. I really want to see Tommy plow his co-worker in one of the short stories between chapters.


I wonder if the husband gets any love???