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Characters: Melina (Elden Ring) and Terrance Simmons (Meet the Neighbors)

Art by Cherry Mouse Street / Story by Kennycomix




Haha its awesome to see you include something like this in the art Kenny, makes me think of the Betty and Veronica watching the Ring lol, the theme of rings is apparent haha. Cock rings are always a super sexy inclusion, I really hope we get to see more cock rings in the stories. B and V using them in Riverdale and the Patterson girls using them in the Neighbours stories. Seeing Pam or Molly use a cock ring on Terrance would be super hot. The same with B and V and their mothers using them on their studs. This is super creative and a really sexy idea. You have some of the best story ideas out there and the artists you work with bring them to life in such incredible ways. I think it's Melina whose riding the steed and summoning the seed lol. Terrance is just along for the ride haha.


Damn, if only this was how you actually levelled up at each site of Grace lol.

Theo Northman

Terrence is by far my favorite character