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Great news! Patreon is now accepting Paypal payments for Adult content creators. Meaning if you wanted to support but you couldn’t because you only had a Paypal account, well now is your chance :D

Also if you have been a patron recently, you’ll notice I’m reading comments and interacting with fans a lot more. So feel free to comment, ask questions, share ideas and hopefully soon we’ll have a great community going.

A benefit of being a Patron of mine, you get early access to content before I post it here. It also helps me get more content out. As you may have noticed the past few months I’ve been trying to keep to at least one post per week schedule. I will try my best to maintain that. I may skip a few weeks here and there but I will do my best to stick to it. Which is a much better schedule than I was on before where I would only post about once every month.

Hopefully you are enjoying the content that is coming out. Stay tuned for more, as a lot of exciting things are happening. Also be sure to follow me on Twitter as well to see what I am interested in as I share a lot of random sexy gifs, images, videos and links. Updates as well obviously.

Thank you for all the support thus far! I greatly appreciate every little bit. It really does make a difference. Thank you!

Follow me on Twitter



Been a fan of yours for quite a while, but I used to be very hesitant with supporting because of the lack of updates and thorough communication. However, you've since become much more interactive and push out more consistent updates, I certainly enjoy throwing my money at you. Keep up the great work!


Thanks man I appreciate that and all the support you have given me. Although, this is just a hobby for me, I want to do my best to support it. I will try my best to be as transparent as I can because I know from experience that lack of communication can be really frustrating.


I have glanced over the posts and overview and see nothing for the 2 dollar slot...is there no reward to be had at that level of support?