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Hello there! I just wanted to reach out to say "THANK YOU" for all of your support during the months that I was much less active. Having been ill and dealt with several devastating deaths, it has been a difficult time this year. Your continued support means the absolute world to me.

I also wanted to do a little "tidying" around here and make things a bit more organized-- so the Tiers have updates!

I need to note that for now, I will not be doing "EARLY ACCESS" for my main sets. The large projects will remain immediately accessible to everyone. There will be "Patron Extras" that are NOT exclusives-- those will be mini sets and one-off creations that will be under two-week early access for Tier 2 and higher.

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Tier 1 ($1 USD) - This Tier is for general support of my content. Thank you SO much for your help.

Tier 2 ($3 USD) - This Tier receives exclusive voting on polls, access to creator diary posts, and immediate access to the "EXTRAS", one-off creations, mini sets, etc, that will otherwise be on early access for 2 weeks.

Tier 3 ($5 USD) - This Tier has all of the above, but you also receive the chance to submit 1 request per month, and you also will have access to PSD files for all projects.

  • Custom portraits (1 sim on 1 mesh of your choosing with 2 different frame colors)
  • Custom sims (1-3 sims)
  • Custom rugs (size of your choosing, 20 swatches)
  • Conversion of Sims 4 EA items to Base Game (1-3 SMALL items like decor, chairs, tables, dressers, desks. Will also receive the PSD files and upsized textures.)

Tier 4 ($10 USD) - This Tier has all of the above, and you can make larger requests every other month!

  • Custom portraits (1 sim on 2 meshes of your choosing with 1-3 different frame colors)
  • Custom sims (1-6 sims)
  • Custom rugs (TWO different sizes of your choosing, up to 20 swatches each)
  • Custom wallpapers (one style/theme, with or without wainscot/trim, 20+ swatches)
  • Conversion of Sims 4 EA items to Base Game (1-3 SMALL items like decor, chairs, tables, dressers, desks. Will also receive the PSD files and upsized textures.)
  • 5-10 custom poses

Please let me know if you have any questions/comments about these updates!

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I'd also like to note that we now have a Patron Goal of 100 Patrons! With this goal being met, I will have the time to start doing monthly streams of content that will be open to the general public. Yay!!

Want to see how I process my portraits, or how I make customized original wall panels? Want to hang out and chat? This is how! This will also come with the addition of a new Discord server! ALL Patrons will be linked to this server at every tier! And even if you need to unsubscribe, you can still stay in the server. Eventually there may even be voting polls about what I'll stream next--I'll even do streams of me bungling in Blender learning something new, and we can all learn together, if that's your thing!

Regardless, getting to 100 patrons will be monumental for me and allow me more freedom and time to keep doing this creative thing.

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Speaking of Creative Things... The Creator's Diary!

The Creator's Diary will just be periodical updates on various projects, including tidbits on things I've discovered, learned, and how I go through my process. It'll be formatted but informal, and just a "journal" of sorts where I share the creative process with patrons in Tier 2 and beyond.

There will, of course, be preview posts when sets are nearly done, but I thought the Creator's Diary would be a really neat way of sharing the creative process with the people who help support it!

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Fun little updates here: I'll be working on a "2,000 Tumblr Followers Gift" thing, something small, plus a "It's my 33rd Birthday and I want to give back" gift as my birthday is December 20th and I hate it LOL. So keep your eyes open for those things. (They will not be early access since they're respectively a Tumblr-related milestone gift, and then my freakin' birthday.)

Additionally, I will start uploading things like lots, rooms, sims, and poses, so keep your eyes open for those as well!

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T H A N K  Y O U !

Finally, as we head into the end of the calendar year, I want to reiterate my thanks to all of you. Whether or not you're still subscribed, if you've said kind words to me, reblogged my posts, whatever it is-- Thank you. Thank you most sincerely. 

I get so much joy out of knowing that what I've done can bring people happiness with their games. It's a humbling feeling, because sometimes I just feel like a weird cave beast in her 30's. I don't want glory or fanfare, I just want to know that there are people who have had a little bit of happiness in their day. Sometimes little bits of happiness are exactly what keep us going through all the dark times of our lives--smelling roses, enjoying pretty colors and patterns, indulging in pretty pixels in a game, petting a cat... whatever it is, those little things are what make daily life possible. And I am eternally proud to try and be one tiny part of that.

Once again, thank YOU for being supportive of my creative endeavors. I hope each and every one of you has a safe and happy end of the year. Please don't forget to look after yourselves, and remember that you are loved.


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