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Y'all need to know that I will NEVER, EVER share your personal information.

You are not cash cows to me. I directly rely on your support and appreciation, and I am n e v e r going to betray that kind of trust. I am eternally grateful for your help, as your pledges help give me more time to spend on these projects (as opposed to doing more overtime with my day job). 

I have been outspoken against perma-paywallers in the past and I stand by that.

(For anyone who is wondering, evidence has recently surfaced of a certain group of perma-paywallers who are sharing a list of people's personal information gathered through Patreon. Remember that doxxing is HIGHLY ILLEGAL, not to mention ethically wrong.)

If you ever have any questions or concerns for me, please do not hesitate to reach out here on Patreon or on tumblr (@anachrosims). 

I love you all and I want you all to be comfortable and safe. Please take care of yourselves.

As for content on this Patreon: I will be posting the Queen's Gallery set tomorrow night. I have to finish up filing my taxes and then I will get to posting, so I appreciate your patience. <3

Once again, I love you, please take care of yourselves, and thank you so much for your support and kindness.



Man I sure was suddenly blindsided by this information about others. Well time to be glad I support only a few people that I trust


I found you through tumblr not too long ago, and what made me pledge to you, quite frankly, is in big part because of your stance on transparency and how you're handling the situation. That, your talent, and your good vibes. Looking forward to showcasing you more in my builds, you deserve it :)