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Hi everyone!!

First I want to say: Thank you all SO MUCH for your support and all the likes/reblogs and donations during Simblreen! I had a blast making the gifts, and I'm happy to say that I'm getting more comfortable using Blender to edit and create objects and mesh edits. I also hope you enjoy the gifts, I'm quite proud of them. <3

I have more Victorian-inspired wallpapers, carpets, and wood floors upcoming, followed by parts 6 and 7 of my Historical Recolors series which will include recolored beds made basegame and historical military campaign/exploration gear suitable for 18th, 19th, and 20th century story gameplay!

Next, I want to say thank you again for the donations-- As noted in a post on my Tumblr, I am in dire need of assistance as my cat Fiona is ill (I will be posting pictures of my beautiful babies in the coming days). Right now I am budgeting and cutting back, as well as ramping up custom content (within reason) online. I am absolutely desperate not to fall into the ruin I was in last year; that was a very dark place I don't want to go back to, and on top of working ~50 hour weeks, I am willing to go the extra mile to keep myself afloat.

Thirdly, I do want to note that I would like to be more open about my patron policies going forward. Not only have I cleaned up the tier descriptions to make them more clear, and added fun little graphics for them, but I will be updating my Patreon description, my post graphics, as well as my TOU by the New Year. 

What this means for you: It means nothing is really changing, I'm just making things prettier/clearer! I just want to be more open and accessible to new folk; and I want my patrons to know that if you need to unsubscribe but you still want the next upcoming set, all you have to do is DM me and I will send it to you.

Fourth: I was thinking of setting up a 'creator's schedule' of some kind? Like a little calendar of upcoming creations, just to keep things more organized, and to engage my supporters a bit more! That way you can know what to look forward to, and even vote on polls/make suggestions. I was also thinking of starting a Discord server, if any of you might be interested.

Fifth: I am re-opening commissions soon! Keep your eyes open for an announcement in the next few weeks.

Finally, I just wanted to thank you all once again. I cannot express how honored I am to have you as patrons. I worry often that my content might be a disappointment--sometimes I just do not feel up to doing a massive set each month. But please know that I do put love and work into everything I do, and I don't do it ~just for money~ --but so I can have fun things in my game and so I can share those things with all of you!! This is why I do early access, and why if you ask me, even if you aren't a patron, I will just give you the set before early access is up.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I can't believe it's been a full year since I started this page, and I never thought I would reach over 60 patrons. I could never have done this without you all and I will forever be grateful. <3



Thank you so very much for your kindness, generosity, and hard work! You are incredible and make some of the loveliest content, and I highly appreciate your historical focus, truly a delight! I hope things go well with your restructuring/new approach as well as for your workload and prayers for you and your cat - best wishes!


Thank YOU so much for all of your hard work and for the quality of what you produce. Playing the Sims 4 is an enormous stress reliever for me and it is the creators like you who provide that extra enjoyment in the game!