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Hey everyone! We’ve published a new blog post discussing upcoming changes to our Patreon Tiers and we bid farewell to the VRChat Bots. You can find it here: https://vrcdn.live/blog/12b0f5f2-3613-4be4-9363-b2dec97fe658

In this blog post, we go over the details of the tier changes, which will take effect on August 21st, and we also reflect on the journey of our VRChat bots by sharing some interesting statistics and insights from their two years of service.  If you have any questions, please reach out to us via Discord or through our other communication channels.

Happy streaming!



First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for the continuous improvements you're making, and I appreciate the transparency in communicating price and offer changes in advance. I do have some concerns about the potential for malicious connections triggering the hard cap to disrupt events. What measures are being taken to mitigate the impact of individuals who may try to exploit the system by loading the stream solely to obstruct legitimate access? Thank you, and I look forward to hearing how these questions are being addressed by your team.


Hi there, This is something we've been asked about a lot, and we understand this is a concern for most. Although we don't want to go too much into detail on what we have in place, rest assured that we do have measures in place to prevent this from happening and we will be constantly evolving these measures over time. Kindest regards, Jazzy.