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I can FINALLY drop the news I've been teasing for what feels like forever! but first, since we are half way through the year that I called "year of VRCDN" at the beginning, lets have a quick overview about what we went through! 

VRCDN's original app stack that I designed many years ago always failed to gain traction, until Sly of Slyfest trusted it with his event. Since then the network blew up in popularity and I knew my janky code wouldn't be good enough. In comes klukule who not only redesigned the whole media server into 1 super optimized and stable app, but also helped me A LOT in adding features and fixing bugs that on my own I would of really struggled with. For context, I'm a datacenter engineer....not a programmer!

I use to say VRCDN was held together with duct tape and dreams...and well now I can assure you it is not :D We then battled outages due to datacenters catching fire, my code failing and crashing, and sharks (yes....explaining that one to people is difficult but sharks attack the undersea cables causing instabilities when connecting to other countries) and yet somehow you all still trust us and believe in the VRCDN project. I started this in 2018 and was always told it was a waste of time and now you all tell me it's the best thing since sliced bread. THANK YOU!

Alright, enough history, lets get into the feature drops!
We will have a network outage at 6PM BST on Thursday for 1 hour. If this causes issues with your events please let me know and we will work around you.

The network outage is to deploy these updates, here's a list! 

Ingest server app is being replaced with the 1.0 VRCDN media server. There might be some teething issues but we will monitor closely.

We are increasing the allowed bitrate from 2500 to 3500, "Large scale events" will be set at 300 viewers, not 200,

Double capacity for NA users (you peeps love to party!)

A completely rewritten database to allow for more on-the-fly changes instead of hard coded values,

On-demand ingest > edge server connection to save on bandwidth.....which has allowed us to:

Deploy servers in Australia (Sydney), you're welcome Loner crew, Virtual Bass, and everyone else!

We are clustering the database to add a bit more to high availability. HA will be an ongoing project for a while, 

I think that's it! Thank you all SO SOOO much for investing in this project! thanks to all of you we have been able to keep pushing back the hard viewer caps per Patreon tier. We were originally going to add this to help cover server costs but there's so many of you who are funding this project without even logging in once! This is helping us lower our prices for larger events which I'm sure they really appreciate!

Alright....now I get to tease some upcoming things! First of all, I'm going to show off a very early look at our website rewrite! Yes, we are working on something that isn't terrible and clunky for a UI woo!

And finally, I'm going to leave this video with 0 context :D




Yo this is pretty Poggers