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Holy wow here we are! VRCDN is being used by Slyfest, Virtual Bass, Shelter Club, VRCon, VKet, and probably more I've missed! None of this would of been possible without your help! I know VRCDN isnt perfect and I REALLY appreciate you all believing in the project! 

I was going to wait till January to announce the big plans but I'm too excited!

January 2021 VRCDN will be overhauled from the ground up to be more robust and more featureful! (Shout-out to @klukule and @24 Hour Music for this!) But to do this I think it's time VRCDN became it's own entity instead of riding off of my DJ brand VRWubz.

In January, VRCDN will now be https://vrcdn.live/ ! The URLs will be a slow rollout so everyone has time to update their worlds and services!

As for Ingests, I have rolled out a patch to the US based ingest server (us.rtmp.vrwubz.net) that fixes a few bugs including the delayed disconnect and is a lot more optimized than the old one.

For VODs I am splitting the network so the live edge servers no longer serve the VODs too, VODs now have their own separate host that they will be using from now on.

I cannot express how I feel in words how much you all mean to be for backing this! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!


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