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Oh wow oh wow oh wow, what a weekend!

From the amazing DJs, the stunning visuals, and the crazy amount of invisible organisation and management Slyfest really was a weekend I doubt any of us there will be forgetting!

For those of you who don't know, Slyfest is was a 3 day festival that happened last weekend. During the first night they had huge issues with their stream and would of had to of cancelled, but luckily VRCDN came to the rescue and beautifully handled all 3 days without any issue topping out at 385 concurrent connections!

I'd just like to take a moment to say that none of this would of been possible without you super amazing people! Thanks to you I was able to have such large amounts of bandwidth and processing power spare for them to use at a moments notice, without you I wouldn't of been able to afford it. Even the lowest tiers add up to large amounts, I really can't thank all of you enough!

During the 3 day festival I was able to find bugs and potential issues much faster then I previously was and patched them even faster! Bugs such as load balancing issues with the US servers, audio glitches when no audio was sent, and a few other little things!

Now onto other news, VRChat has updated to allow for RTSP (the protocol used for the sub 1 stream) in SDK 3! This is great news as it means we are now fully supported! however..... this comes with an issue of the player causes a large delay so right now it is impossible to get sub 1s delay unless you are in SDK 2 using our custom player... but it's a start right!

Once again I cannot say THANK YOU enough!



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