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Hey all!

Soooooo yeah.... kind of good / kind of bad news today. Good news is I pushed what I believe to be stable Sub 1s server to the network and it seems to be working well! Woo! So.... whats bad? well VRChat is taking their sweet time in allowing for RTSPT stream (the protocol used for Sub 1s streaming) but that should be along soon! Another issue is AVPro (the video library VRChat uses) dropped supported for Sub 1s streaming in the latest update but don't worry they said they will add it back in!

So more setbacks but I've already come up with work arounds for SDK 2 to get the player working (no SDK 3 support yet, waiting on the VRChat patch) DM me if you need some help with that and I'll be happy to assist!

So.....it works, kinda, now what? Well this weekend we might be having a bit of a stress test event with some live DJs using the system, but that's in the planning stage so there's not much I can say about that and for those wondering if I will be DJing for it I probably won't be as I want to keep my full attention on the network to spot any possible issues that may occur during the event.

That's it from me for now, there's a few more tweaks I need to do to the traffic routing to help lower the latency even further but right now the priority is to keep testing and bug fixing!

Thanky for supporting me!



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