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Hello everyone, Tuz here!

Okay so lots and lots of people over a long time have been asking me if I'd ever consider writing adventures. Writing adventures is a bit intimidating, but whenever I took the chance and do some adventure writing for other projects people seemed to be really into it. But most importantly, inspiration struck and I got an idea for a... very Tuz intro adventure.

So here is where you guys come in. Writing an adventure is no easy task and I want to dedicate proper time to it. I want to give it the same attention as I give the rest of my content. Would you be okay with me substituting one monster update per month for me working on the adventure? I would of course give updates on it, show you sections of the adventure, map drafts, etc. By the end of it I want to have a high quality product with illustrations, colored maps, and some exclusive monsters in it.

The idea for this adventure path would be something containing psychological horror elements, exploration of strange vistas called 'Nightmare Realms', and heavy focus on characters who subconciously created these realms.

If you are cool with it, I would start working on the adventure. This experiment would just go for an adventure path going from level 1-4ish. After that I can ask you all again if you want me to continue with this.


Simone Spinozzi

while curious i feel that you already have too much on your plate 😅


Thanks for your concern. But as I stated in the post, It would not be extra work. I would do the adventure work in place of one monster update per month until the adventure is finished. So you don't need to be worried :D

Simone Spinozzi

While planning a faction, available faction assets, wants and needs of the faction, as well as key structures holding the assets and the defenses needed is akin to making a set of monsters... the difficulty escalates esponentially the moment one has more than one faction in play. This is because you are not making an adventure for people you know. But for people who you do not just "not know" but have no clue what they might think. More than once thinking on 2 feet made an adventure work for me because i knew what the factions would do and what the players wanted and how to flavour events so that the players would feel like this was about their characters. While i am curious to see an adventure written by you, given how you write your races and monsters... ...personal experience has shown me writing an adventure for a group you know at least well enough to know what they want and writing an adventure for somebody you do not know is... way beyond the expected difficulty.