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It has been a while since I released one of these. Dan was a real bro to help with the artwork and he had a great time drawing these delightful bunny girls.

I for one had a great time writing their lore and rules, though I have been trying to be a bit more conservative with their racial traits to keep them more in line newer player races.




Oh my Gooood !!! I've been absolutely OBSESSING over your Monster Girl races forever now ( Currently using the Slime Folk and Lamia for a big story, and I had planned my next character to be a Wolf Folk for my wife's campaign ), and this is such a nice surprise ! I can't wait to get to use these cutie pies ASAP ♡♡♡

Simone Spinozzi

<h1>🥰</h1>༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ💖 by the way, that link with all your races and enemies and stuff... does it get updated?


I updated it over the weekend. You are talking about the pinned post on my page, right?