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Heya, to let you all know, I am doing fine and am currently recovering from surgery. I spent the weekend in the hospital and am now back home. Due to the nature of the surgery, my voice is still pretty roughed up from swelling of the area BUT according to the surgery report none of my vocal cords or nerves got damaged. So I expect to make a full recovery.

Still, I will use this time to take it slow until the holidays. But I want to let you all know that I am just blown away by the support that I received this month. This patreon experienced a record growth and I pretty much reached my earning goal for 2021. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

I am not going to let you all go empty handed though. Right now I am working on the next set of forgotten foes and have a preview for you right here:

I also plan on wrapping up work for the full release of the Lamia, but that will be delayed till early january. But I also have commissioned artwork for the next set of Monster Girl material AND have been discussing a commissioning art for another fearsome foe with Crowbar. So with that said, things are shaping up quite nicely for january already!

Lastly, I want to announce that as a holiday gift, anyone of the old retired tiers ($1 and $2) that either have not upgraded or simply forgot to upgrade will be grandfathered into the minion tier! Thank you for your support!

Also don't forget about the #Tuzmas event going on on twitter right now. You can read up on it on the discord!

As always thank you for your time and thank you for making me feel the love. Happy Holidays everyone!



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