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So the past week was not very productive. I had my 2nd vaccine shot on wednesday that had me delirious on wednesday and thursday, and friday was my birthday (yay). With Saturday being a patreon game day and Sunday being my enforced day-off I had... two days to work on my stuff.

But I bring you some great previews!

This is a preview of the art that I commissioned for the next batch of monsters. I will spruce it up with additional shading and get right to work. Feels good to at least not have to worry about the art with monsters for once.

Next up, the Mourning Blade is rapidly racing towards the finish line. I gotta hand off some writing for proofreading and editing and then I have to finish the last of the art. Then it will be done!

Here is a preview of one of the many awesome things that you will get from the Mourning Blade update:

The Soothing Blade

When a character’s bond with the Mourning Blade has mostly been increased by the use of insight and persuation, and the character has made an honest attempt to help the Mourning Blade overcome its grief, the Mourning Blade will transform into the magnificent Soothing Blade.

The Soothing Blade

Legendary Blade (Longsword, Greatsword, Shortsword, Rapier), (Requires attunement)

A magnificent blade born from compassion and kindness. The sympathetic spirit innate in this blade vows to protect so others will be spared the crushing experience of loss.

You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Illumination. While holding the blade, you can use an action to cause the blade to glow or to quench the glow. This glow sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet.

Grace. You can use an action to cast the Spare the Dying cantrip by gently touching a creature with the side of the blade.

Soothing Hymn. When you and one or more other creatures within 20 ft. of you take damage from an effect (such as a spell or trap), you can use a reaction to give up to 5 creatures within 20 ft. of yourself that suffer the triggering damage 10 temporary hit points. A creature that is below half of its maximum hit points gains 20 temporary hit points instead. Each creature gains the temporary hit points before the damage is applied. Once you use this reaction, you can’t use it again until the dawn of the next day.

Preserving Strikes. This blade has 5 charges. When you hit a creature and deal damage using this weapon, you can expend a charge and deal an additional 1d8 psychic damage to the creature and a creature within 20 ft. of yourself that you can see regains hit points equal to the psychic damage dealt. When you roll a 1 for the psychic damage dealt, you gain one charge. You can alternatively use an action to expend 1 to 5 charges to heal a creature within 20 ft. of yourself. The creature regains 1d8+3 hit plus 1d8 for each additional charge you expend beyond 1. You regain all expended charges at dawn.

Never Again. Whenever you are at 0 hit points the Soothing Blade protects your body. While you are at 0 hit points, any creature that targets you with an attack or harmful spell must succeed a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure the creature must choose another target or forfeit the attack or spell.


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