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Hello everyone, you might notice that a) this update late, and b) is sparse on artwork. To be transparent, a whole lot of health issues hit me over the past 2 weeks. First I had a nasty stomach bug for several days and then I was having a bad reaction over a new medical prescription I got which got worse as the week progressed until it got better just recently. Luckily I made it a habbit now to work on the most important parts of the updates first, meaning monsters rules and lore. So the most important parts are all here! The artwork will be finished for this in the future - I will try to work on it on the side, but more pressing updates that also have been delayed do not allow me for now to keep working on this.

I hope you all understand and I am working hard on getting back on my old release schedule, aiming for updates every tuesday like it used to be. My hope is that with the new monster item updates, I will have to spend less time per month on artwork which could perhaps allow me to build up a buffer.

Thank you for your time and thank you for understanding.

Handouts and Token 



Jinx Betwixt

Yooo, I hope ya keep feeling better Tuz

Simone Spinozzi

i am reading only now, good luck with you health, this being about 2 months in the past i hope you are better now, but... yeah. Good luck. Also: these roots rock.