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Edit: Instead of a new post, I decided to update the old one so people will find the Harlekins in one package. Also sorry for the delay, to make up for it I reworked an old spell of mine as a bonus for this update! Have fun!

Hi, as you can see the lore is not quite done yet, but I will have this edited in very soon. For now I left my place holder text. I was very excited for this update and I am very pleased with the monster design and art!

- Tuz

Handout & Tokens 



Phil Batchelor

This looks great! I'm just using your slaughterhouse horrors homebrew for a oneshot at the moment and it's going well.


That is great to hear! I hope your table will have a great time with the slaughter house horrors :D

Simone Spinozzi

oookay, this one was a fun read. ❤️