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“ With pleasure. ” 

Aziraphale moves all at once, shifting out from under Crowley and letting him thump back against the pillows like an over-stimulated sack of potatoes. Crowley barely has time to wonder if he’s misplayed this, before Aziraphale is settling on his stomach between Crowley’s legs instead and looking up at him with a frankly licentious grin.  

“Now where was I…?” 

  In one swift action, Aziraphale hooks both of Crowley’s thighs over his shoulders and hauls him bodily closer, and oh, fuck. This is not exactly what Crowley meant, and yet no force in the universe right now could make him push Aziraphale away....

~ written by he wonderful calico to go with the art (as well as the previous chapters!), and it's too long to put it all in the caption, so I'll just leave the Ao3 link here for you to read and enjoy!


Edit: fixed the numbering. again. this keeps happening, oops!




Ah yes, good ol’ overstimulation. This is hitting all the right buttons at all the right times. Your pacing, story, positions in this, when the wings came out… everything is perfect!!!👌 🤩 😍


I love the perspective here!! Great job with foreshortening and light/shadow! And i think i know where this is going and i am on that bus 😃🙌