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In a nutshell: 

- In terms of business: I can't keep up anymore! Coming up with a new vote every month has proven more stressful and time consuming that I originally intended. Because of that, my quality of work is dramatically dropping because I'm just trying to get it done before the next vote.

- I will end the Voting Tier ($20 Tier) on Aug. 1/2023 and ask my $20 tier patrons to move to the Image Series Set Tier ($15 Tier)

- There will still be a vote! It will now be part of the Image Series Set Tier ($15 tier) benefits. But the vote will come randomly and only every few months (when I'm ready for it).

- How will this benefit you?
1) The quality of my art and storytelling will go back up! So you will get a better quality product.
2) I will be able to do more regular releases. And I will be able to spread my time between the main comic and image series sets better - which means more main story pages.
3) I will have time to do extra bonus material - ex. Merchandise such as stickers, poster, pillow cases (I think this one will be popular :P). I can finish character bios and I'll have time to go back and redo the 1st Issue (which I still really wanna do!).
4) bottomline: You will get more, and better quality everything!

Here's the explanation:

Hi everyone!

Ok, this was a tough choice for me! But I've made the executive decision to end the voting tier entirely. I tried for many months to make it work for me, but I realize now that I just can't keep up. In terms of a business model, I'm essentially working for about $3/hour at this rate, and Im getting burnt out, and (for those of you who've been with me for a long time have probably notice) because of that, my work quality is dropping heavily! I've lost something in the exchange. I'm producing more pages, with your input, but I'm now a conveyor belt artist. I'm scrabbling every month just to get it done, so I can be ready for the next vote! It's super stressful, a lot of f-ing working hours! :( and I can't go deep with any of the stories I'm writing because I don't know where they're going. I have to wait every month to find out. It makes story telling really hard! And again, the timeframe... that's the big one. I can't work ahead, I'm just scrabbling to keep up... It's definitely lowering the quality of what Im producing. 

But it doesn't mean I don't like the voting concept. I love having your input when I'm at a crossroads and am not sure which direction to go. So the vote will remain and will now be a benefit of the Image Series Tier ($15 tier). But the vote will come at random. It could be one vote every 3 months... or it could be 3 votes in one month! I don't know how that will look. But I need the flexibility to make good stories.

I genuinely believe this will help me! Just knowing that I can plan the next 3 months worth of content for The Ball Image Series, has already increased my creative inspiration. I'm excited to plan it out... not dreading that I might not come up with a good idea within three weeks, before the next vote! For those of you who are creative, you probably understand how much a deadline like that can kill good inspiration!

And finally I would like to say: Thank you for your patience as I work this out! I'm really new to running a business like this on my own. I've worked for plenty of businesses before, but I've never been the business owner, or the one in charge of making these choices. So I'm essentially taking a crash course in business management, while also trying to write a great story -OH! And while I went through a family issue this year (had to disown my own Dad... he's THAT abusive! and wont listen to any of us... so he had to go! That was tough). So, I'm doing my best! And I thank you all for your love and support as I fumble my way through this thing called LIFE! lol.



Trust me I doubt anyone will be mad at this, take your time and remember you only get one life and working all the time is not worth it and does nothing for your mental health


If you think this is the best decision for you then I got your back!