Yuki & The Swim Team - Pg82-104 Preview (Patreon)
Hi everyone!
Thank you to everyone who stuck with me so far through this absent month. I'm sorry I haven't release much these past few weeks. I've been dealing with... a lot. Mostly family drama. Some of you may remember back in Sept. I said I had some family shit going on, but seemed to be mostly over. I was wrong! It's gotten so much worse. I'll spare you the details, but just understand that I'm currently trying to overcome a lifetime of abusive conditioning that my father has given to my brother and I. And it hasn't been easy! at all!
And I hate using emotional drama as an excuse for anything, because everyone's got emotional baggage, right? But I also recognize that sometimes you find yourself in a bit of a perfect storm when a bunch of things hit you at once! It'll pass. I'll get through it... but right now, holy shit am I stressed out!
So bare with me a couple more weeks. Christmas is gonna be hell, but it'll come to a head one way or another. I'll either have a father at the end of Dec., or I wont. But one way or another, his abuse stops this month so I can get back to a healthy life again! Either way, the next couple of weeks are dedicated just to this. So you'll see a decent amount of content coming your way soon.
Again, thank you for you patience and support. It means a great deal to me. Probably more than anyone realizes. Life can sure suck sometimes, ya'know. lol