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HI Everyone!
Ok! I could use some more feedback. (Thank you all for all the great feedback so far on my paid tiers).
This is a super early preview of the next page. Its... super early as you can see. But my question is... do you all have any interest in me posting process posts like this? Personally (as an artist) I love to see behind the scenes and see another artist's process. But that's me. What do you guys like/think?



Voidstar Bunny

Behind the scenes are pretty cool to see


This is pretty cool to see


I personally prefer to get full page. Mby coz im not an artist (well, at last not that one) :D But ANY post from You is great so I dont rly mind :)

Kelsey Emmerich

I like seeing the process! I think it’s neat.


I think it's pretty cool to see the early stages of the pages