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Loved your art for some time now... Happy to have located you on Patreon... Now a paying Fan and excited about your future art. MM


Thank you!!! Hearing your support really keeps my motivation up! I had my first few negative comments on my work a few days ago from one of the forum pages i post too... and although the comments were pretty useless, as in, had no real feedback, just kinda mean commentary, that stuff seems to stick with you, ya'know. So hearing your support really counteracts that. So for that, I say thank you to everyone here! And especially those who have taken the time to let me know how much they like my work! It keeps me going more than i realized! :D


Negative comments!? Really!? WTF! You are the best artist all around patreon! One of the top I've ever seen! Keep going and don't take trolls seriously!


you know i got your back!! and yuki's too


Dw GeeU, haters gonna hate but we are all behind u, rooting for you! Keep up the good shit ;)


Can’t wait for more of this issue!!!!