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This month I think I will be maining focusing on content. I have a lot of patreon submitted NPCs I want to get into the game, along with maybe a new quest, a weapon or two and some new growth methods.

Global Preferences - This works like how attribute scaling works for you but includes every NPC. So you can control how much each attribute affects them visually or if you want to have everyone in the game be male or female you could do that.

New Minigame - I haven't decided exactly what they will be but Bust and Size need a minigame equivalent. Bust being potionmixing and Size being something like stretches.

More Character Customization - Basically like the last poll, Bird/Bat parts, antlers, new ears and snouts.



Unless there's a fix I'm missing by not being active on the dischord or something.....the overworld crashes are kinda making the game unplayable as of present. Even the "safety" of leveling in/grinding the dungeons is hampered by the paranoid thought of "Will I make it to the nearest save point once I exit?"


its a very well known bug. I'm going to be implementing a fix next month, along with adding save points to the dungeon and adding multiple different debug worlds to try and see why its happening.

Robert Blake

I suppose if it's not too difficult to do. For the character's wings section, adding a shark fin for a back attachment.