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Next update is going to come out right before I leave for Christmas break. So somewhere between the 16-20th so I have time for a hotfix.

Focus this month will be on adding more content and trying to flesh out some older systems more.

Options for this poll are
Equipment Color - being able to affect the color of different parts of armor.

Deer Snout/Antlers

Bird Beak/Wings

As always if you have any suggestions for the next poll be sure to comment below or put them in the discord.



1:Audio effects 2:130 fix

Robert Blake

Some idea for later on about some Inn / Tavern in the main town, where you can have some private one on one 'interaction' with your follower for a temporary boost of both your player's character stats and the follower as well.


Need more wing options plz


"Play a quick game of Go Fish" Huzzah I am now better NPC stats.


The inflation themed dungeon I suggested a while ago, along with any other idea I previously suggested. That’s literally the only thing I want to suggest


I'm all for equipment color, but isn't it sort of pointless when we out grow most gear pretty quickly? Even if you were to add some that scales, it doesn't exactly matter since the "Goal" is to get to ridiculous portions where you're just stomping on things. If anything, I'd suggest trying to upgrade the baseline. Like making the controls more smooth, adding tooltips, etc


But then you also need an armor set to go with some of the head armors right? Imo, head armors do not look too good without 1 or 2 matching pieces. If some of the sets like the set seen on the fake blacksmith(can't remember the name of it) have an out-grow limit, but have stats/effects that you want for your build, but you're too big, then the helmet and the ability to change the colors seems pointless. Maybe in the future we can get a special item or npc that lets us hard-cap the growth of one stat while still gaining the benefits and ability to wear armors that have a limit? Obviously some armors would have to be tweaked to prevent the player from being overpowered too fast, but size already does that anyway so maybe not. Size Explosion OP!!!

Robert Blake

I suppose have it load into a large underground hall, With a dancing stage at the back that restricts most characters around the 250+ size range alternately while in the area it enforces a size setting of the player & companions to a limit inside there that is of suitable capacity. With separate bedrooms for specific characters in terms of size, bust, muscle and fat.


Since Digi doesn't like size limits on things, I think maybe instead just have several versions of the room. Think of it like this. Sizes under a certain point get the standard inn room, sizes from X-Y larger might get the large underground hall like you said, and anything above proposed Y size would get a large field out behind the building, using the building itself as a sort of "Oh wow look how big you are now compared to everything else." And code wise I think the hardest part would just be making sure it is reading your size and your companion's size correctly then using that number to decide where to put you.

Annikka Neustaeter

still hoping for any kind of vore option <3 or more outfit options


-in active combat companions are getting growth animations. When using intensify, potions, or share the growth with grow over time, it is possible for followers to get stuck in the growth animation until hit or their animation is otherwise interrupted. The animation doesnt loop they just keep doing it over and over for each added point in size, I have been having trouble replicating this bug, however it seems to happen when i spam intensify with the giant rat companion, even then sometimes it does not trigger. This growth anim bug seems to be related to enemies + companions standing still in combat as they do nothing as their stats increase sometimes. -It is possible to stun lock enemies just by hitting them, this happens randomly. -Sacrificing points for abilities doesnt take the points away, they are given back after the next level as unused points. This is probably related to xp not being taken away with levels making the character instantly level up back to the level they were before sacrificing. -Multiple followers sometimes get stuck in each other. -Ability points now lack a proper description. -The follower's hitbox can sometimes get stuck on the player allowing you to push the follower along without the follower actually moving. -The ability to set follower's distance between the player and other followers might be a good idea for the future, especially if you plan on giving followers a larger hitbox based on their actual proportions. -If the player or any followers are in the middle of the active combat growth animation previously listed or getting their stats added on to or removed from (aka growing/shrinking) when you press the end combat button the temporary points are added to that character, they are removed upon any other change to that character's status. (potions, food, ap items, etc.). -The player now starts with half their ap bar filled regardless of the breast/pec ability. -Sometimes when sacrificing stats over and over since theyre regained from levels, it is possible for your health to go into the negatives, it does not display a negative number but rather 0 on the bar, however healing items do not change it until a certain value is met, indicating that it is indeed negative, whether or not this is a real issue if the player isnt abusing the regain stat bug is unknown to me. -Frame rate also seems to die randomly with multiple followers at higher graphics settings -In the lesser commander fight there is a crash when using intensify on the rat companion multiple times in a row. -The dungeon by the blacksmith thief/ the forest/ the flat part of the map, seems to randomly loop the first floor, I have no idea why it does this, I am using the rat companion with the raving fan, when the raving fan is gone, the dungeon stops looping so it might be related to him. -When fighting an enemy that was following me immediately after a boss fight the button to leave appeared and 0 xp was gained even the fight didnt actually end, upon hitting the exit button the overlays for attack distance stayed creating this monstrosity: https://imgur.com/a/HcbM5oh the combat music didnt end and the enemy despawned afterwards. Entering another fight broke follower pathing, my movement was broken, it didn't fix the issue, and I was unable to attack or use abilities. A death or a hard reset of the game fixes this issue.


The bug at the bottom happened because i was in the leveling menu when an enemy approached me Also the drops from barrels arent scaling on dungeon level


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