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This update will be focused on general bugfixes and starting to get the new models ready for implementation, so nothing too large this month but I think most people would agree that the game needs some fixing up. So sorry that this poll isn't terribly exciting but I don't want to do anything too big this month just want to clean up whats already there

As always vote for what you would like implemented this month, I will work on them in order of most popular and if you have something to suggestion for next poll be sure to comment below or send me a message

Day Night System - have the lighting change over the course of an in game day

Item Storage - a place to put all your unwanted junk

Character Visual Save - a copy/paste code that you could use to transfer all the visuals from one character to another, so they do not have to be recreated each time

Bindings settings - add the ability to change what keys do what



Character visual Save and Binding settings would be a blessing!


100% agreed. So many times during character creation I just wish I could load a visual preset.

Andreas Klebrig

binding in combination with controller accessibility? 😎


Storage or visual saves, tbh


I really don't accumulate enough junk to warrant chests so I think a visual save system would be the best. Also, since you put so much effort into this new overworld maybe a day/night cycle would be a nice finishing touch since the town already has streetlight models. :)


Will we be able to aquire the weapon that the Bigbarian and Size Masters use?


if you fight them in the bushes behind the size master outside of the town, they're still rare, but more common drop then in the dungeon.