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Going to be taking a week off this month, I'm tired of looking at my ugly walls and its probably going to be more than a weekend or two worth of work to get finished. So Update coming out the 25th, with hotfix coming out 28th.

I want to do a major overhaul of the endless dungeon to make it a lot more fun, but it will probably take more than a month, so this month I'm going to focus on getting that started and expanding the new level.

Vote below on what else you want me to work on, and if you have a suggestion then either put it in the comment or send me a note.

Ego Mechanic - expanding ego into a full mechanic. Each fight you would "bet" ego. The more you bet the more aggressive/difficult enemies become, but the more ego you gain. And with more ego you get more XP to level.

Minigames - short little interactive growth animations that would give you a temporary buff in stats.

Party Members- people to follow you around and help out in combat



Hoping for an erect function


Just wanted to feedback that the arms of characters invested purely in fat and no muscle look kinda disproportional because the arms don't fatten as quickly as the legs or torso, so the overall proportions of fat characters don't seem to hold as well with higher stats as full-muscle or muscle-gut characters. Perhaps the fat scaling for arms could be changed or maybe even a new scaling slider for arms? Of course, could just be my personal preference too, but otherwise love the new updates! Looking forward to updates to the endless dungeon and unique events you have in the works :D


I cant really do different rates for different bodyparts since they all need the same shapekey or the seams will be off. I could try making the arms fatter but that might cuase clipping issues


For me currently while i would like ego i feel its time for followers. As this can set the stage for world bosses and such. As for the endless dungeon i wouldnt mind cosmetic changes the deeper you delve, or set boss rooms and maybe a super low chance giga boss with a custom well giga sized model. That might be asking alot tho


It whould be realy nice if we could skill some Talents more then one time like . the 2 Amor per round skilled 5 times to get 10 Armour per round . Same with Hp per round . At this point the Talents get too weak very fast and got hundreds of unused points flying around.


could definitely add more. I would like to redesign that menu a bit first so it can fit more skills/abilities on it.


I'm just hoping for whatever! Just be sure to take your time. :) I did have a couple of suggestions/things to note; 1) In regards to ranked Skills, if you need inspiration on it, check out Sombreve's "Dawn of Corruption" game. It has many ranked skills you can get when you level up the PC, and I think the ranked skills could be adopted well in this game. 2) One thing I did notice, was that one of the pieces of armor stretches on a certain NPC (I believe the Muscle variants). It's either the Breastplate or the Plackart. I couldn't recreate it tonight, unfortunately, but when I get a chance I can send you a pic