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The focus this month was on polish so no huge changes to systems or content added.

There is a new combo system, where if you hold down the button to use the skill it will use a follow up attack. Also for some growth based skills if you hold down the skill button you will continuously use the skill, that way you don't have to spam the move.

There have been some AI improvements for active combat. I need to make an actual manager and behavior tree in the future, but for now enemies should spam moves less. I would like to have most fights include multiple characters in the future, I think it would give the game a better sense of scale.

Inventory is significantly improved. I went from spawning items in every update to a persistent system so its should update when they should. I am still having trouble with some offsets and trying to figure out what is causing that.

Implemented level streaming. Now the game world is going to be one unbroken level, so you don't have to enter level triggers and it saves me a ton of time.

debuff skills like Challenge Me will give you your health back once they wear off

And a few other QOL and UI improvements too

I also added a fun little joke weapon. I think in the future it will be relegated to the dungeon since its a silly thing.




How far are you on completing doomdays part 2?

Bobby Li

I don't know if it's been reported but it seems I can't pick up stuff


As much as I wanted more content, I gotta say I actually really like this update. The level streaming is an amazing quality life feature, and action combat feels good so far besides the AI needing work like you've mentioned. Also, there's the dragon body choices but nothing shows up (and it's not in Trello) so I'm assuming they're not actually implemented yet? As a side note, I saw you said you were kinda low energy, and just wanted to say I'd rather you take your time than experience burnout if that's the case, but thanks for continuing to work on the game. Sorry for the rant :P


Im unsure if this has been reported but there is a message that pops up saying "REFLECTION CAPTURES NEED TO BE REBUILT (1 Unbuilt) I am unsure what that means. And another is that the world seems to flicker now and then as well. And another is that when you spam attacks to much for somereason (sometimes) you go into a T-Pose and all the abilities freeze but the enemy can still attack you. Besides from that a great job as always! :D


Nice update from what I've seen so far. Would it be possible to have the camera movement be on a toggle in the future (tap button to make it move with the mouse, tap a second time to relock it)? Not sure if you've noticed yet, but I'm pretty consistently falling into the ground over at the beach after a battle. Moving towards the samurai bunny pops me back out. EDIT: Turns out, you fall through basically anywhere on the beach (I had be farming the bush close to the entrance). The roaming enemy can make you fall through the ground in a spot you can't get out. I've also noticed that I was unable to enter the tunnel next to bunny samurai. This last one is almost certainly a my computer thing, but my fps plummets in the endless dungeon.


right I was working on a dragon body parts but I wasn't happy with how they looked so going to be putting them off. Glas you like the update


noted. Is there a particular place they flicker at? I know there is a problem with getting stuck on a skill but I have been having trouble reproducing it


probably wont do a camera toggle because I don't think many people would use it. Noted about falling through the beach.


Okay so,I've found two bugs 1.I seem to fall through the floor when entering the beach. 2.The game softlocks when I try to level up during a fight. Other than that the update is great!


falling through the floor at the beach has been noted. Do you mean after a fight is over and you try to level it softlocks?


Is there any way to fix map falling? I just keep falling when I load my save


no, you are loading into the wrong map essentially and theres no way to get to the new one from there. maybe if you were able to get into the cave, tunnel, or dungeon you could walk back out into the main level.


I was wondering I have 13 health why is it that when I enter battle do I have 5 health instead of 13?


Dragon Bits are Invisable


yeah I accidentally left the option in. I was working on the dragon model but wasn't satisfied with it


The new update is looking nice! Level streaming is a very nice addition. Here's a list of noteworthy bugs and issues I found: - Level streaming seems to be tied to the camera, so growing too big can cause your camera to be too high and, as a result, unload the level you're in - Some spots that should be accessible seem to be a bit too narrow, and are blocked off. The growth essence in the ruins is one instance - In the infinite dungeon, rooms with growth essences will spawn a new essence after finishing a battle, regardless of if you've grabbed the essence or not - In the infinite dungeon, some rooms may be completely empty, with nothing to interact with. You can proceed through the door to the next floor as normal, but consider checking and re-generating the room if this occurs - The bust seems to have some missing geometry, as a small part can be see-through from below once you've grown it enough - Using a consumable (such as a growth essence) doesn't immediately remove it from your inventory. Trying to use it again during the animation will lock it to your character's hand, but luckily doesn't seem to grant the effect multiple times. The effect is purely visual, and fixes itself after entering a fight - Camera speed is not currently adjustable, and for me feels too slow. I imagine you've already got a mouse sensitivity option on your to-do list, but I wanted to point it out just in case - Consider adding an option to invert the scrolling. Scrolling in seems to zoom the camera out right now - There was one case where an enemy got stuck waiting, making them harmless and easy to defeat with ranged attacks. I assume future AI updates will naturally fix this issue, but I figured I'd mention that it happened And don't forget, you're always allowed to take a break if you need one! Game development is difficult, and I'd rather this project take a bit longer to make than end up overworking you. The industry suffers from the perpetual crunch enough as is!


thanks for the feedback. Most of them are known, except the streaming issue having to deal with character height. I will add camera sensitivity in the future but its not on the top of my to do list. Im still trying to figure out what causes the player or enemy to get stuck in combat, Ive been having trouble consistently making it happen. The dungeon will also get a major overhaul at a later date. I've got a pretty fun idea of what to do with it.


I don't know if it's on purpose, but the Fat growth seems to have some serious diminishing returns once you get to the higher parts of the stat. I can barely tell that it's growing when I increase the stat by hundreds, where meanwhile, the Legs grow a ton with the smallest bit of extra points.


Might I ask when there will be a version that includes sounds for when the character grows. I think that would be just as epic.


I don't particularly have a plan for when to add sound, possibly just one month when I have extra time. Or I might add it to a poll