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I thought I would ask everyone for feedback on this as there has been a lot of different opinions on the new combat system, quite a few want the old system. I have been thinking that the people who want a more traditional RPG experience probably don't want the added complexity of movement. so I wanted to put it to a poll as to how to handle passive in the future.

Removing movement means instead of hitting enemies that are within a certain sector instead skills would have a number of targets they hit. And I can have this scale with attributes so the bigger your character the more they can hit.

If I do keep the movement in passive then I can also add some perk that would make you and your opponent immobile but increase attack lengths, so you can still stay in one place



While it's nice to have the choice to have the active system, keeping the passive system the way it is would also be pretty swell. Pun absolutely intended


I like the idea of you both stay still in passive as the movement system is hard to work with if you are only using a touch pad as your mouse. (laptop user here) also I find it annoying that if I move too much and am still in the enemies hit zone he will hit me with an attack. and it also is my turn with one or more of my turns after it too, this has killed me many time since the new update. if this is a bug you might want to look into this. love the idea of the choice of active or passive combat though. also side note. I find that every time I launch the game it s always set to active, can you have it remember what type of combat I have it saved to would be nice.


I guess the passive was more polished without it, but movement system has definitely some potential as well, I'm like 50:50


yeah I really wanted to have a movement component so I could do a lot more fun stuff with the size. Have your changes be more impactfull


As much as i like the concept of a more action based system. There's quite a few bugs to deal with. I once grew too large to even hit an enemy as he hit me constantly. hits don't register properly. Making it action based also makes you have to focus so much on positioning that you cant actually enjoy the growth and animations. So I'm divided myself. I want this to work but at the same time, it's a bit too buggy at the moment to really play it.


He is kind of right adding an easier way to watch characters grow without dying and then having to restart would be nice.


Also I like the moving camera of the last version, in this version the camera in passive just focuses on your character's back you can't see them grow in battle at all


For me watching the growth is the best part. With the active combat the growth gets lost behind trying to fight/not die. I like that with the passive version you can take it slower and focus on the characters growth more. Having to move around is slightly distracting but I think the bigger issue is the camera. If the camara was a bit better at focusing in the growth, or if we had good manual control of the camara then I'd be good with moving passive combat.


should be easy to reinstate a closeup for the growth instead of focusing on both actors. Might be more difficult for active since enemies can still attack


The movement is pretty neat and makes fights more engaging. Yet it is possible to cheese or exploit the AI in this mod making fights easier than they should.