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Got some real big changes this time around, I expect that I broke a lot. 

New Armor system. No you no longer have to be naked. Armor will pop off if your stats get too high. Right now I can only do it if there are solid pieces like platemail

Combat now has an active mode where there are no turns, you can move in combat, and skills cost AP to use. I wanted to make a system like this for combat because it should make everything faster, have more interaction between NPCs, and eventually more diverse combat. I still need to make skills more varied, right now they all cost 1 ap and have mostly the same hitbox, unfortunately I didn't have much time to make adjustments to them. I am very interested in hearing feedback for this new system

Inventory is no longer based on icons but instead using a scene capture. this should mean in the future I don't have to do as much work making items and the items won't require any texture files so it will make the game a bit smaller, it also supports transparency unlike the icons so it should look a bit nicer. I'm having a bit of trouble getting the location of icons I need to position so it might be a bit wonky this time around, especially in the results screen.




This sounds awesome! Cant wait to try after work! :) Good job man!


It's pretty good, but I would recommend mapping the attacks to left/right click as well as a number.


i under stand the patron check is an anti piracy measure but it kinda is a game play hindrance as well

Yahy Eeth

Have you tried fixing the legs sticking trought the ground issue? Its there from the first version


Looks good so far! Thus far, I've only got a few things I'd like to mention. Just a note, I've only tried active combat in this build so far. - I think it would be a good idea to have a wait period or a button to officially start combat. Getting thrown in immediately is a bit jarring - It looks like being hit can interrupt your attacks (at the very least, it interrupts your animation). I could see this being intentional, but I figured I'd mention it in case it isn't - Getting grown by an opponent can lock you in the growing animation, so you aren't able to dodge their attacks. You seem to still be able to act, though the animations won't play


Combat inconsistent. For active style they obviously path to you but its unclear what to do other than circle strafe and hope your mashing stops them before they stop you. Passive style sometimes causes the following issues: Enemies do not move toward player (at all) to actually be in attack range, enemies sometimes are aggressively approaching player, unable to tell at a glance what abilities are within range before execution, multi-enemies seem to have issue with swapping and inconsistent behavior, modifiers no longer show for enemies (player is still able to see self modifiers). I would be happy to write up detailed bug reports and reproduction of steps but only if you have a tool you use for ease of use for both you and me. These comment boxes and email would be insufficient. That said, you do have enough good horny growth content in there to have piqued my interest and kept it. Im curious the direction you intend to take things ^_^


Side note on active: with all the motion and trees it makes it hard to see and enjoy the growth. Active camera or trees being opaque when camera is close would be an easy fix.


eventually ill have that transitional period to combat. Once I expand the personality system. I want to have characters have their own little intro animations. the attack interrupting you is intentional but not the grow, although I think that might be a good idea for a mechanic. Purposely growing an opponent to get a hit in


The straw hat doesn't go on your body right, it just floats weirdly away from your body near the ground

House of arima

Where do you find other armor? I've only been able to find the pauldrons.

Oathinen The Fat Drake

I believe there is a glitch with the doors in the endless dungeon where you sometimes can just walk to the next room without fighting any of the enemies in the room ( I've managed to skip 30 rooms this way trying to make sure it wasn't a feature but realized it only happened sometimes)


Bug where If you grow/enemy grows you, in combat, the animation and health bar glitch and you grow endlessly wile also resetting to the growth point you should be at. It also stops you from moving. It's like a growth loop with your stats going haywire at the same time. Unknown how or why exactly this happens. Had the growth perk also when this started happening. I can still win the combat and exit the battle. Love the game so far, keep it up.


ego isn't showing up no matter how many potions I feed the character a note on the side: can we have a no ball option with the ego? When it gets large, the character looks like a big white sac...


When consuming a Bulk of essences it starts the grow anymation for every single used essence so if you use 20 potions you sit there and wait for 2 minutes for the animations loop to stop Edit: It seams the armor dont gives armor rating and the Bandana cant be equiped on the head it just wands to go on the shoulders


Were do you find more Armor? Only got those pauldrons.. Thanks


alittle bit of a bug i think, but iv found that if in passive mode and you are out the mobs range, you pretty much can cheese the battle by just staying put cause they wont move to get you in range. not sure if thats for every mob but thats just something iv found


Interesting build so far. But what's the Potion of Relife for? You can't read the effect because the item title always blocks the first line of the item's description


Been playing a bit more now and I commend the effort and time, but it seems this version is really inconsistent overall. Previous release was a lot more stable. As a user, I'd really less increments in a build as long as they are stable, rather than a build with a whole lot more injected bugs than changes. Personally not a fan of this new Active Combat system, and it's not really what I'm after in a smutty game at all. You have to consider that likely, the player is gonna have one of their hands occupied most of the time. Besides, there's nothing wrong with having a Turn Based system as long as its base is solid. For example, I can mentions RPGs like the Trails in Sky/Cold Steel saga, where you can move around in combat and the placement of characters/enemies has a great impact on AoE attacks, but it's still a turn based system where there are several mechanics where you can push enemies down the waiting line (delay), and so on. Anyway, I understand the pressure to release a build withing the time frame of a month, so I figure we can live with issues like not being able no unequip items, or the buggy item screens. But here are some REALLY important bugs I feel should be adressed ASAP: 1. In Active Combat, an animation can be cancelled by an attack. If this is intended, it can become annoying. 2. Your attack range is not always visible. I believe it only appears when you're actually performing the attack sometimes) 3. Enemies sometimes (mostly bosses) skip their turn indefinetly. Already used this exploit to farm a ginormous amount of XP from the Barrel Master 4. Bosses in the dungeon give 0 EXP like 90% of the time 5. The names of some items is too long it gets devided in two lines. The second line blocks the first line of the item description. 6. If Body Slam now scales with Height, the rate at which it scales is SLOW. I'm at 61 of height and Body Slam deals like 14 damage. Furthermore, the following are suggestions on what would greatly improve the overall user experience (and I believe, do not require too much effort): 1. If Attack Range or AoE is going to keep being a thing, the game should not let you attack at all if you're out of range. 2. Building on the "Use All/Half" option in Item Menu, it would really be helpful to use a user specified amount. If that's too complicated, how about a "Use 10" or "Use 100" option as well? 3. On the same line, when raising attributes there should be an option to raise them by 10's or 100's. Past a certain level, if you ever decide to reallocate your attribute points, you're gonna have a hell of a time click click clicking away. 4. Even more on the same line, shops should let you sell and buy in bulk. "Sell All", "Buy 10/100" would be really useful. In the previous version I managed to get a shitload of burguers and wanted to sell them all but it was a hassle. 5. Free Camera! But I believe that's already on your To Do list. 6. A very personal suggestion: Upgradable Skills. The ability to further spend all those unused skill points to strengthen skills would totally rock. All in all, the effort is greatly appreciated and keep up the good work. I'll keep supporting and cheering!


you can actually raise attribute by 10 increments if you shift + Click the arrow. And yeah I'll admit this update is particularly sloppy but there's only so much I can do in a month's time and the combat/inventory is a major overhaul. Also im not sure if you noticed but you can switch back to the turn based combat in the options menu.


I love the armor - there's just something enticing about walking around partially covered up, as opposed to stark naked. Looking forward to bursting out of many bits of it in the future, as well as finding some to fit hyper-sizes. Not sold on the active battle system as of yet. There's just too much going on, too many messages flashing by, overlapping animations, etc. for me to get a hold on it. I'm sure you have a picture in your mind of how you want it to work eventually, but at the moment I prefer turn-based. And a bug - I broke out of the breastplate by increasing Bust, but wound up with a black rectangle on my chest. After a scene change, my boobs came back though. EDIT: Also, the Legs bonus for Sheathe Buff persists after combat.


well thats what passive is for. I know some people prefer to take it slow. Definitely going to clean up the combat more in the future though. The breastplate popping off was reported, I don't think im calling update model after it pops off, should be an easy fix


I'll have to agree with Carlos up there. The new active combat system is just not for me at all, not at all enjoyable for me. I see that You have included a passive combat function, but that as well is not the same as it was before. I quite liked the simple turn-based style of combat without having to worry about anything other than selecting the skill / ability to use during your turn. I wish it'd be kept like that, or that we had an option to switch back to that. I find myself not playing the game much at all anymore due to that.