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I'm switching from google docs to trello, I think its easier to organize, you can click on each little box for a description instead of having the long one at the end.
Please check the change long before reporting an issue, because more than likely other people have already reported it. Like last month I will do a hotfix the following Monday to squish as many bugs as I can

Big content update this time. New area, boss, weapon, and an infinite dungeon.




Day = 'Happy';


Level up points broken. They stopped wasting on stats and probably unlimited and there cheat attacks allowed.

Lucian Silverpaw

Alright um, I've never used trello before, so how do we download the new build?


It keeps giving me a 'Fatal Error' message at times when I reload the save after I die, forcing the game to close.

Yahy Eeth

Any way to download the cheat mode version?


How do you start the infinite dungeon?

Pierre luc Poirier

i downloaded the patch, i can log in but nothing happens when i click continue.


Going through the dungeon system. Found one softlock with the barrel room in the top left corner. You can get stuck behind the barrels, requiring a teleport to get out. I'll keep you updated on anything else I find, if any.


3rd area balance- OHKO from hourglass night taking first move.


The update is quite nice! I noticed a couple things I thought I'd mention. Firstly, killing a lich in the infinite dungeon will allow you to complete the lich quest. This occurs whenever you kill a lich, and allows you to complete the quest repeatedly (I don't remember if the reward was given each time or not). It also appears that you can complete the quest at the apothecary in the infinite dungeon, should you happen upon them. Lastly, it looks like the inventory of the apothecary is completely reset the first time you complete the lich quest (I assume this is to restock it with the post-quest items). This has the side effect of removing the option to re-purchase anything you sold to the apothecary before completing the quest.


I seem to be unable to exit battle victory screen. The exit arrow always show up outside the display area.


After you kill the lich for some reason it freezes. I am not sure why. And if you swap weapons sometimes they vanish from your inventory.


Great update Digi :D I really like the shark tale and the neck fur :D and the dungeon is awsome! You have earned your money :P


i seems to have a bug at the cave lich fight , when i talk to them i can fight them , though when the fight finish , it start to same dialogue again , but even when taking a chose it just stay stuck in the lich responce


the dialog loop has already been reported but I didnt know about the lich quest in the dungeon


I found a work around for the lich fight glitch. Open console and type. servertravel Beach This will allow you to be transported behind a building on the beach and disable the dialog and let you get back to the game.


I've found a rather frightful glitch in my first sitting of this patch. It kept shoving me back into a half-loaded battle after I finished a regular fight, where the character models are weaponless and there's no proper combat options, softlocking the game. Even after escaping back to the main menu and loading the file once again. It was quite strange!~


already been reported. I think it was an issue with the packaged version not having a recompiled the activator class. I changed the delay on it and it worked in the preview build but it didn't translate to the packaged version