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The v 0.1 demo for my RPG based around getting bigger and thicker, There is a NSFW version of the game you can enable in the main menu. It is a standalone unreal game so you do need to launch it from your desktop. enjoy

(x64) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hbOVee2dBr-QNQn5NGqx7SJcpP-NS-CR

(x32) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gwA-Cgn3HvJ_hwOvnOovIq3Q7BHPs-pP

 I would really love to make this into a full fledged game, where basically anyone could make their own character and be able to star in their own growth based animation.  And I want to know if other people would be interested in seeing it finished 

I have been working on this almost every day for the past 3-4 months . I've had to put a lot of my personnel projects on hold,  I want to start working on this full time with animations on the side.

so I have set up a goal on Patreon for 1500 a month, if I am able to reach that amount I will continue working on. Any more would be great so I can hire texture artists and musicians to help me.  So please consider donating if you can.

As it is set up right now 8$ will get the most current version of the game, so if you want the new update in December then donate to the 8$ tier

I plan on adding another tier for an earlier version of the game too but that will be in January so we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

if you want to know more about the game I wrote up a design doc


and I have a basic roadmap of what features and time I intend to implement them




Darn dude! This game is rad as hell for what it is! Love the all the different shapes you can make, same goes with all the buffs you gave the weapons. Not sure if it's intended but stacking the xp buff on the bosses gave enough xp for some really large growth. I saw your roadmap and was wondering if you'd ever consider adding a vore ability if a certain stat was high enough? Either way, I'm super interested to see where this goes!


thanks. Yeah I just left challenge me broken so players could have some fun with it. And yes I plan on adding vore at some point in the future. I doubt it will be in the next 6 months though as it is very complicated and prone to error

Pierre luc Poirier

my pc wont let me run it cause it considers it to big a risk


I played through your demo and overall it's a great concept piece so far, I really like the dual wield system since it allows you to mix and match buffs and skills, I think turn based is probably the safest way of handling a system like this, a real time action version may have some serious problems. I 'm looking forward to seeing you implement new content, for the short term, maybe larger weapons with a "Cleave" effect to hit multiple targets, a crossbow/bow with really good Dex scaling? And of course once you implement vore aspects to it as well, do you plan on making it so only the player can vore or will you add enemies you can get eaten by as well? Regardless looking forward to the progress on this.


I want to at least try the active combat one, at the very least I plan on having a movement system with different arcs for weapons. and yes I do plan on vore but far in the future, its very complicated and I need a few other systems for it first


Ho boy do I enjoy the new game. I really love how simple yet satisfying it is to see your character grow as they do. I am also quite happy you included the grow from the beginning button. After reading the design docs for a bit, I admit it was the reason I become a pateron so well I am glad to be aboard!


thanks for joining. Also surprised someone read the design doc. Got a lot of fun stuff planned for it.


My god this game you made is bloody brilliant! I've been searching for a game like this forever now and soon you come up with the idea to make this amazing game! Good job and hope to see much much more!


Goodness this is sooo exciting!! I cannot wait to see more of this type of content! Great job and you have my support <3

Agent Shark

Awesome set up for the game! Loving it so far! Am excited to see where this goes from here! I am curious though on how easy it would be to add models you've made in the past into the game


it would be very difficult there is a long and meticulous process to get the models to work well. And thanks for the support I really appreciate it


Wow, I wasn't expecting what is essentially a full game as the first demo. I was expecting something like a proof of concept with some basic tests of the systems you've created so far. I thoroughly enjoyed playing it. Very excited for future versions.


Yeah the demo might have been a bit bigger than what I needed but if it gets more people interested in the project then all the better. Thanks for the support


I thought it was spectacular. Enjoyed it so far. Looking forward to see where it goes.

Shelved Oddities

I haven't completed it yet, but it is pretty great, that much I can indeed say so! The growth mechanic is very fun and I think it works quite well. (Personally, I don't think that an upper limit for growth is necessary. However, one minor fix is that you may *potentially* (and I mean it moreso on the enemies side) need to add an upper limit on animation time.)


Great game so far, keep up the good work, there's so much potential in it. Love the concept.


This is an amazing start to the game. You have my support!