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Sorry I haven't done this in forever but I needed some time to get everything organized after the move. Once I update the patreon and get my discord server up I think ill keep updates on there so its easier for me to update.

Whats coming out, in order, probably

Short Male Dragon Growth (10-15 seconds)

Renasex w/ cumflation (1:00)

Herm Dragoness Growth (1:30, last one of 2018 I still need to finsih)

Herm Dragoness/Renamon Growth (1:30)

Charizard & Guilmon Cock Growth (1:30)

Xilimyth Growth 3 (3:00)

Renachunk inflation (1:30)

Guilmon & Exveemon Growth (1:30 finished but awaiting payment)


Jeff Dunham

Excited to see more renachunk!


Did this ever get finished?


Yep everything except the renachunk inflation. Still havent put up the charizard guilmon one. Still waiting for payment