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It’s been hard to decide what I want to do and draw lately. I’ve been lacking focus and felt that I just have become to much of a crowd pleaser and that I’m to anxious to try new things. I want to explore ways to improve and share that progress. So I have decided to start having Jean as my main focus. This mean that I’m not necessarily scrapping other things like ’’Lolo’s happy life’’ but putting them on the shelf. The way I see it is that I am easily distracted with new ideas and jump on them too early.

So more Jean from here on out and other og arts. I am planing out the Jean comic and it changes a lot. The thing with Jean is that she changed for the audience when I introduced her to the internet, don’t get me wrong, it was both good and bad. But I’m trying to avoid making the comic as just a BIG reference to dnd as it was not the original idea, so I’m trying to move away from that and make it it’s own thing. Jean will not be written like shes having a character sheet in mind. If anything, having to much influences from dnd will only hinder the story and world building and give me less freedom to go wild with it. I will share my concept art and sketches on the progress of the comic.

Commission will be open along side the work on Jean, but not yet. I’ll figure out a way to have a waiting list just for you guys~




Yeah! More Jean! Draw what you want, I'm here for you and your art. You've got this!


Here to support ya no matter what! What's good with YOU is good with us GP.