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Man I am tired! Getting close to nap time for me! My plans for the next few weeks are as follows

1. Today/Tonight - Wrap up on a Toph Beifong and an OC named Felicia picture. This ones a twofer, I'm taking the opportunity to double down on a commission and also turn it into a dandere may request because I want to draw Toph lol.

In the next 10ish days.

2. Katara from Avatar

3. Momo Yaoyorozu as a maid (or a Britney Spears style school girl, Animedamel gave me a coin flip choice here) getting schooled. I'm leaning towards maid but mmm a knotted button up shirt and mini skirt does sound wonderful.

4. Madotsuku from Yume Nikki

I believe that will conclude all of the remaining danderes.

After that we'll see

5. Misery from Cave Story having a little fun in a pond. (She loves to go fishing this time of year)

6. Then DVA is getting stuffed into a locker. (I wonder if I can combine this with the Momo one somehow lol. Pretty much the best school ever id say. Lowest truancy in the history of time. Or the highest depending on how many people are stuffed into lockers.)

7. Then April O'Neil is getting some turtle (clamps) power

8. Then Iji Kataiser is getting a purple outfit origin story

Somewhere scattered among these will be a few easier to produce sketch harvest requests. One of which I'm really looking forward to. After an absence of like 7 years, Astrid will finally be reappearing in my gallery in the outfit she wore here - (120. Slave Princess - https://www.patreon.com/posts/120-slave-05-37713983)

and who knows what else will come up along the way!

Other than that be sure to check out the youtube page.
We're up to 30 videos now, that's only going to increase, and who knows, you might see or hear something you like! 



Can't wait to see them