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Its hard to make alternates for this one but what is included above is Austrigusa the Poster  and two spin speed variants! (Medium and Slow, default is fast!)


Austrigusa, the girl dared claim to be a princess of the Gepids, a long defunct sect of Nordic wanderers. They are most famous for expelling the Huns from Europe, however they might be equally famous for disappearing under the hooves of adventuring Avars. Her claim was made all the more spurious by her style of dress and the fact that she had been caught trying to place two stolen sacks of grain, peasant food, onto the back of an equally stolen horse.

Your generosity as a Gothic lord knows no bounds and you were keen to share your largess with a beleaguered fellow noble. Noting her short stature you attached her to one of your wagons and upon returning to your realm some time later, she was adjusted and implemented into an old water mill.

Austrigusa now has access to all the grain she could ever wish for, and at least as much flour. In the same vein, she may never go wanting for fresh water, or long luxurious baths.

A bolt of cloth well seated in her mouth prevents her from speaking and no one would know for many years thereafter that a Gepid count, missing a daughter yet reigned over a small fiefdom deep in the Transylvanian wood. Little, wet behind the ears Austrigusa was indeed regarded by some as a princess and somewhere far away awaited her crown.

The story about how she had strayed so far away from her peoples realm and what drove her to thieve in yours might be compelling, but for now it  is best shared with the fishes and the nixie merfolk.



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