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Hey how are you guys! I've got two things to talk about today! The images above should add context!

1. - This probably doesn't apply to Americans but in the off chance that you are living in the EU... You should be aware that Patreon was forced by other countries laws to add a sales tax to these exchanges. Patreon in turn had to ask me to really get down into the grit about what services I'm offering and they've gone so far as to inquire as to how I would personally value these services. Basically they are taxing you on something based on the strength of my feelings!

The above values in slide 1 are what I have come up with. I believe I can change the above values - Without getting into anything that might resemble fraud - Let me know if Brussels is taking money out of your back pocket and if I can do something about it!

Its worth noting that as far as I'm aware the above is not Patreons fault and its certainly not something I'm in favor of either!  (The sales tax is likley only a matter of pennies but I feel responsible to let people know about these sorts of things!)


2. - "Your creator balance is on hold while our Trust & Safety Team review your account"

Based on their published rules (see picture 2!) I should be in good standing with patreon! I've highlighted the relevant sections of their script (and read it thoroughly before even making this account) and it should all check out!

At the end of the day, in terms of sheer hardware/mechanical fact the spiciest thing visible in my gallery is a crotch rope and based on a few cursory glances at other peoples pages, that should be kosher!  

That said I think they might be somewhat concerned with my "Warhammer Imperial Ponies" picture as I did get a little algorithmicly triggered notice about it. That I can understand, it was inspired by renaissance biblical paintings depicting people suffering in hell and it straddles the boundaries of story telling, sex appeal, excitement and taste, in the way all Warhammer products depicting the Dark Eldar and/or Slaanesh or the way other similar products like Hellraiser/Berserk/Diablo should.  Patreon might take issue with it, it is maximum level spiciness but it doesn't violate their policies, nor my countries laws.

Oddly the only other little notice I got was about a Jasmine picture of all things.

I will post here with an update, if I ever get one! and I'll try to have something cool up on Sunday!



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