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Published: Mar 31, 2018

These characters were the "winners" of the "Indie Games Damsel Poll" I set up long ago. Special thanks goes to pascalofpiers.deviantart.com/  for choosing the ten competing pairs of damsels and thank you for  voting. Vex'ahlia is owned by the fellows over at "Critical Role" and  Minerelle is owned by the legendary D&D player "Poorweather."

It  was a crisp winter day late in the season. Thick clots of snow hung off  of withered tree branches that had long since been denuded of their  leaves. There was a chill in the air but the sun climbing ever higher  into the sky had allowed a momentary thaw. The snow crunched under  Minerelle's feet as she trekked, looking in the places where the snow  had begun to melt. She was searching for "smart rocks", or possibly her  next of kin. Anything interesting really. She saw a boulder here, a tree  there, even the occasional weed that had gambled against fate and  assumed that spring was near. A thick winter apple hanging from a low  branch had felt the same way. Minerelle twisted it off in passing and  held it in her left hand.

They had guessed correctly. Spring was  approaching, and so was a conspicuous clip clopping sound paired with a  seemingly more remote jingling. Standing far from anything that  resembled a road, Minerelle prepared herself for an attack. A most  peculiar sect of bandits were known to be active in this region...

CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP *jingle* *jingle* *jingle*

Vex'ahlia:  "Guelph! Huelph Hmmits wholele awh gothes uwn aare ahtar ae!!!"
                  ("help help bandits stole my clothes and are after me!!!")
Minerelle Orr: Oh my gawd!
Vex'ahlia: "o.o'"
Minerelle Orr: "Its a half elf..... half human.... half horse!!!"
Vex'ahlia: "O.o'''
Minerelle Orr: "They said I was crazy!!! They said there was no way one could ever exist!!!"
Vex'ahlia: *stamps hoof* "naoh serioothly helth ae!!"
                                          (No seriously help me!!)
Minerelle Orr: But I knew better! Oh I knew they were wrong!! I knew they were lying to me!!!
Vex'ahlia: "Hey aawe wighg ehawn mae!!!"
                 (They are right behind me!!!)
Minerelle Orr: *rubbing hands together* "I'll show them... I'll show all of them!"
Vex'ahlia: *gulps*
Minerelle Orr: "First I'll take you to the village! Then I'll show you to the world!"
Vex'ahlia: "O.O'''"
Minerelle Orr: *whispering to herself* "...Centelftaurs are real..."
Vex'ahlia: "p.p'"

Minerelle Orr: "Hey Centelftaur do you want an apple?"
Vex'ahlia: "-.-'" *sighs* "Ghiae ae teh awm ahpplel"
                                      ("Give me the damn apple")


Favorite Comments

PascalOfPiers : Mar 31, 2018  

The two most obscure characters.  

I'm happy I'm alive to see this day :,D

Mattkind : Mar 31, 2018  

ha ha beautiful 



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