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Published: March 22, 2016

My half of a trade with Tsinji tsinji.deviantart.com/ He wanted to see his swordswoman, Masaki in some water based peril.

She seems a little wet behind the ears but I think Masaki is going to pull through.
If  you don't like the peril or if you'd like to see what the picture looks  like without the in depth lighting you can check out the basic figure  here.


Favorite Comments

DungeonKappa : Mar 22, 2016 

I like the background a lot. Very well done.

Tsinji : Mar 23, 2016 

Hell  yes!!! Thank you very much!!! I like the detail you put in it, the  ropework and the overall composition. It's also cool to see you put her  in a bit of murky water; I mostly only see perfectly blue water.
I'm working on my part of the trade and am trying to get it finished soon, with my busy schedule.
RighteousBoyII : Edited Mar 23, 2016 

Thank you.

Your  character was fun to work with. Lots of changes in texture between  metal, leather fabric and emeralds and you put a lot of subtle blues and  greens into her design. If I tried to cheap out and add one shade of  blue water to a character design like that it would've looked awful so I  just did it by the books. Yellow light shining on a transparent blue  surface means it should be greener at the top and bluer at the bottom. I  added a few hints of other colors in their to imply that something is  growing on the ocean floor and there you go.

I think a lot of  people are stuck in swimming pool mode where they think about what water  looks like when its trapped in a reflective white container.

All the same, thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you like it and I look forward to seeing Emerald Sustrai

phantomdotexe : April 9, 2016 

You've captured her so nicely! 



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