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Alts Alts everywhere! Just because people on Dev Art really liked a picture doesn't mean I published everything that went into making it! Higher Res and more content is the way to go on Patreon.

Seriously I owe a huge amount of my success to Pomegrenade. I had a blast coloring his work and it really generated a huge response on Deviantart,

Don't forget to drop Pomegrenade a line! Hes still at it! You can track him down here    tuoblogblog.wordpress.com and here! www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=15…


Original Artists Statement
Published: March 7, 2016

This is my submission for pomegrenade's pomegrenade113.deviantart.com/ coloring contest.

Based on his original line art here   (commissioned by Aman217 aman217.deviantart.com/)
And an inked version made by SDKZero sdkzero.deviantart.com/ that you can see here  

You  still got a week or two to participate if your interested. (March 19  2016 Deadline) Id recommend it. The prize is drawings from him and  looking at anything hes made in the past four years that's a pretty  considerable offer.

Edit October 2017 – Pomegrenade can now be found at


Favorite Comments

ED3765 : Mar 7, 2016 

editing  a few things in the photo to give yourself a better shot eh? I see how  it is but I'm sure my version will hold up greatly 

RighteousBoyII : Edited Mar 8, 2016 

Well maybe I didn't copy every exact little thing but you weren't complaining about micro changes in 2014! Hana and Penny by Ryuseihikari J'accuse!

Haha  Arms race! Alright man don't be surprised if I update my submission in  the next few weeks. Until then I look forward to seeing what you come up  with and/or your next contest.

kupoexe : Mar 7, 2016 


I have always liked how you just dont color stuff, but also add a bit of your own without losing the pic's essence.
RighteousBoyII : Edited Mar 8, 2016 

Thank you! No dungeon cell is complete without a rat!

Most of the stuff I add is just to get the eye moving around the picture.

Instinctively  most people will make eye contact with a character and follow their  line of sight. Then the viewer will make eye contract with other eye  like things, ae: Titties!
If the story is "titties in a dungeon" then  most if not every element in the dungeon should be drawn towards them.  Which is hard to do. Bars are straight up and down, walls are straight  up and down and a manacle hanging off a wall is straight up and down.

I  decided to get the chains into play and to use a triangular light  source to get a few more angles and curves into the environmental space.  Theres really no way to play with the bars, so I moved the glasses to  kind of counteract them. Add something to draw the eye upward against  something that draws it downward and the eye will logically meet in the  middle. The mouse being the awesome and cool guy that he is does the  same thing. Keeps the picture from getting to top heavy and draws the  eye to the center of the image where his two bosom palls are waiting.

Ideally  I just use things already in the picture, or reasonably could be in the  picture to get the eye to circle around it a few more times without  changing any of the originally intended context. A really talented inker  could probably do the same thing just by using different line weights  but I'm not a talented inker lol.

You can see this stuff in a lot of peoples work. Pomegrenade has a lot of compositionally perfect stuff. Slave of the raiders  Rook too Lara Croft water predicament

I  see backgrounds sneaking into more and more of your drawings so its  worth it to scout around and see who the really great compositional  masters are.
kupoexe : Mar 8, 2016 

Holy poop. I now look at your pics in a different way. I wasnt aware how much thought amd strategy went into them.

My  backgrounds are bad and poor whem they show up, but now that you  mention it, I have noticed problems like empty spaces and getting  attention away from the subject... Im certain i have some magazines  detailing composition and such in my stuff, so imma read it out. Thanks a  lot for the pointers.

Also, Im totally stealing "Titties in a dungeon" for a pic title sometime.
RighteousBoyII : Mar 8, 2016 

lol, of all the things to steal for a pic title I am proud that it is that one.

Yeah  any time dude, I'm allowed to chew peoples ears off about art once or  twice a year lol. You're already doing all the things I talked about  anyways. I saw Mega Mpph Zero: Ciel and Alouette and Merry Christmas  2015. When I started watching your account you where a DiD writer and I  was an artist but I think in another four years the reverse will be true  lol.
kupoexe : Mar 8, 2016 

Funny you mention those, I actually didnt think those backgrounds too much
Rook-07 : Mar 11, 2016 

Wow, some people do notice composition! Good eye RighteousBoyII!

PomeGrenade113 : Mar 8, 2016 

Wow! this is a great entry!
I  appreciate a lot that you added more details in the background,  unfortunately I wasn't able to do that when I drew the original pic.
And your touch with the angry look of Nami, the scared one of Nico and the mouse is a nice thought.
Thanks a lot ^^ let's see if somebody will be able to do better.

RighteousBoyII : Mar 8, 2016 

Hey  thanks I'm glad you like it. Yeah time goes by fast and I missed your  gotta cage em all contest so I wanted to be sure and upload this one  early. Heres hoping you get some more submissions.

striderxxx : Mar 8, 2016 


RachWrites : Mar 8, 2016 

Thank you so much for coloring my commission! I really appreciate the time you took on this, and the ladies look great! 

RighteousBoyII : Mar 9, 2016 

Thank  you, i'm glad you and pomegrenade approve. I pretty much built this  acount around coloring other peoples line arts so its always nice to  take a break and do something that comes a little bit more natural than  drawing or writing.

SDKZERO : Mar 16, 2016 

I  might say, your piece is impressive.  the detail in the wall and the  extra touches you did to Nami are great.  Best of luck in the contest.

Natsuko-Hiragi : Mar 19, 2016 

Great work on the colloring of a great pic!^^

ry10voetrogho11 : Oct 19, 2016 

This is an amazing piece!
I'm glad to see Nami and Robin in some bound scenarios.
Good work righteousboyii!!

phantomdotexe : Nov 25, 2016 

This is some seriously fantastic stuff. 

Palagame : Nov 30, 2016 

Amazig artwork! I'm totally loving it! 


jarvik2009 : Jul 31, 2018  

Great picture, I especially like that even if they can get out of the leather straps they are still locked in metal collars.



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