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Original Artists Statement
Published: June 9, 2015

Saw this awesome cage design artdiviant.deviantart.com/art/…  and had to take a crack at drawing it myself. Would've been a lot  easier if I didn't opt for a profile view but meh. I'm bound to revisit  this awesome design sooner or later.... Matoi.... you....

This  marks one month of one a day and occasionally more drawings lol. I have  to have cleared 50 by now. i've probably uploaded more in the last 40  days than I have in the last two years.


Favorite Comments

tea78iscool : Jun 10, 2015 

knowing pip and alucard they are going to save seras.XD

artdiviant : Jun 10, 2015 

very lovely, im glad you were inspired by the pic
RighteousBoyII : Jun 12, 2015 

Yeah  I definitely appreciated the novelty of the design. Loved the posture  and the presentation too. Wonder if someone out there actually builds  these. its a design winner to be sure.
artdiviant : Jun 13, 2015 

i would assume so, you can find anything on the internet if you look for long enough



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