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I loved making this one! its one of the drawings where I knew exactly what I was going to do from the outside. high contrast, slightly contorted, one eye, lighter in the dark! I hit all the marks I wanted!

and Faye? Well she just wants that cigarette!


Original Artists Statement

Published: May 14, 2015"Must.... light cigarette....  must suck ash! Faye Faye want cigarette!"

A  few days ago when I drew that Suki-ured for transport drawing I  originally wanted to add a candle hanging over her breasts for some wax  drippage and an epic light effect. I opted against it as she was already  wearing a pair of nipple clamps, a nose hook and a ring gag and didn't  feel that the picture needed any more elements busying up the  background. Well tonight I revisited the idea with Faye Valentine. (the  light effect not the wax drip) so for those of you who care you can kind  of extrapolate from this what I had in mind for the Suki drawing.


Favorite Comments

MrObscura101: May 14, 2015 

Poor Faye Maybe the Bebop crew are trying to help her quit smoking?

kupoexe : May 14, 2015 

RighteousBoyII: May 14, 2015 

Don't  worry in addition to the lighter her booty shorts also contain one ace  of hearts poker card and one handcuff key so she'll manage to free  herself some time after JNCO Jeans come back in style lol.



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