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052. Openminded20 Terratuied - (2014) - Full Res

Ed3765 wrote a little story for this picture and hes given me permission to upload it here!


Teen Titans: Terra's Night Job
by ED3765:

"We are here Robin, so what is the meeting about?" Starfire asked as she and the other titans gathered in the main room along with their newest addition Terra who had rejoined them after years of training.

"This isn't easy, but after years of faithful service of crime fighting I'm afraid we hit a rather large snag." Robin said grimly.

"What’s wrong Robin? Don't tell me we are losing our discounts at the local eateries?!" Cyborg asked fearful.

"Or that our tower was bought out?!" Beat boy asked next.

"Hmmmm, I wish it was something simple like that." Robin said shaking his head. "We are in finical crisis."

"Finical crisis?" Raven asked confused.

"Yes, our backer is no longer able to donate money to us so we must seek out other sources of income to fund our projects." Robin explained.

"Ummm, who even backed us in the first place? Couldn't be the city since they cover our collateral damage." Terra asked curious.

"I won't say for confidential reasons." Robin replied.

"It’s batman." Beast boy whispered to Terra's earning Robin's glare.

"In any case, I've signed us all up for jobs that will ensure that our money will be left intact for another year."

"Oh joy! I get to help the elderly for their pocket change!" Startfire said happily.

"We need to aim higher than that Star." Robin said pulling out a list from his cloak.

"Hold up, I joined up to be a super hero and save people. Not work a 9 to 5 job!" Terra complained.

"You haven't been with us long Terra but it's not always fighting evil and being lazy in our off time, we do have other responsibilities." Robin said cleaning his throat. "Now, Cyborg will head off to CES to help show off the latest in technology."

"Got it." Cyborg said cool with it.

"Raven will head and help a secret society with their dark rituals, just rumor them since they are paying us." Robin said as Raven just rolled her eyes.

"Starfire will head to a geek con where people want to see a real life alien."

"I will do my best to brag about my planet's culture." She said joyful.

"Just don't reveal too much. Beast boy you will assist with negotiations with all of the city's zoos between the zookeepers and the animals."

"Got it, but you better warn those zoo keepers that dolphins expect 12 fish a day and not a fish less. You don't want to see them only getting 11 or less." He said being serious.

"Riiiiight, I will be going to teach martial arts at several classes and finally Terra a local night club has requested your services for their night activities."

"Nightclub? Hell yeah, shaking my stuff and partying it. That's what I'm talking about." Terra said giddy as the rest of the gang was both happy and jealous of her.

"I did check it out and they seem to be a reputable place but be careful none the less." Robin warned. "Now you have your jobs, head out and complete them asap." He said as the team nodded and headed out.


"This is reputable?" Terra questioned with disbelieving look as she found the nightclub La Bond in the back streets of Jump city and the neighborhood was far from being good. "Well, I guess that just makes it a better nightclub." She said heading in wearing her usual black shirt and yellow tight shorts with the Titan symbol on her shirt in yellow. "Hello?" She called out as the nightclub looked rather nice despite the outside look but she found a large long bar to her right and lots of seating to her left with a stage at the end of the seating.

"Huh, for a night club it doesn't have much space for dancing." Terra noted curious.

"Why hello there." A voice called out as a snazzy dressed cloak person who had dark skin said walking out of the back room with a wide grin on his face. "Why you must be Terra, its a pleasure." He said with a bow.

"Umm, hi." Terra said rubbing her left arm feeling a bit awkward. "And you are?"

"Excuse the rudeness child, I am Bond but my close friends call me Age." He said standing tall.

"Age?" Terra questioned.

"Heheh, don't mind. Inside joke really." He said looking Terra over. "May I just say you are fine girl, really digging that shirt of yours."

"Umm, thanks." Terra said pulling her hair back blushing lightly.

"Though for my show you will need just a slight adjustment to the shirt." He said motioning to the backroom. "Just step on back to the dressing room and then follow the stairs to the stage."

"Alright." Terra said walking off as Bond headed to the stage.


"Ummm Bond sir, may I ask what this shirt is supposed to mean?" Terra asked coming out wearing a long black shirt which had the words TieD on the front in red with a big yellow circle behind the T.

"It means what it means dear, it's just the theme for tonight's entertainment." He said with a wide smirk.

"I, don't know about this anymore." Terra said starting to back away.

"Sorry doll, there isn't any backing out of this gravy train." He said as ropes began to slither out from under his cloak like snakes as they got on both sides of Terra.

"What is this?" Terra asked balling up her hands and looked rapidly to her sides as there was no openings for her to escape.

"I am a new villain in town girl, I am rope master Restrainer and I'm going to bondage you out!" He said as the ropes made a dive for Terra's body.

"Gahhh!" She cried out as the rope was about to ensnare her body but she saw a tiny opening at the bottom ropes, a space between the rope and floor, She made a lunge for it and managed to roll under the ropes and away from being ensnared. "I'm not into this!" Terra declared as her eyes began to glow as she made use of her powers but she gasp out loudly as a thick rope ran between her legs and against her shorts. "Unnnn." She groan as her knees instantly became weak and wobbly making Terra stumble and lose focus.

"Come on girl, no one can resist my ropes." Restrainer said in glee as his ropes once more surrounded Terra's body.

"What power is this?" Terra wanted to know rubbing her shorts where the rope ran by quickly as she tried to focus her mind.

"The power that is going to make me king of this town." He said having his rope snap forward to bind Terra but she once more got past them by leaping over the rope at the right time.

"Enjoy being king with a boulder smashed into your face." She said jumping up wanting to land on the ground to make it rise up and then she would chuck it at the man. Before she could land however one of the rope strands had wrapped around her right ankle and pulled her backwards making her crash on the wooden floor stage very hard.

"Ahhh!" Terra cried out as the sudden landing left her slightly dazed but was enough to let the rope to begin ensnaring her body as it snaked all over her limbs and torso. "No, stop." Terra pleaded raising her arms up to summon any rocks to aid her but the rope that was snaking around her arms had abruptly pulled them behind her back. "Gahhhh!" Terra cried out as she felt like a strong man was manhandling her as her wrists were crossed and the rope began to loop around them and knot themselves off.

"My ropes are like perfect slaves, they won't leave any slack and no chance of you escaping." Restrainer chuckled as the rope wrapped above and below Terra's middle upper arms which the rope snaked across her chest and went between her cleavage making her breasts puff out into her black shirt and the rope twisted about in the center before snaking back to her arms to tie themselves off.

"Ngrrrhr!" Terra grunted out as the rope around her legs began to force them to bend backwards and point to the sides so the back of her hind legs rested against her thighs. This caused the soles of her feet to press against each other right below her crotch area with the rope forming a cuff tie on her legs to hold her like that.

The Restrainer moved his arm in a upwards motion making the rope rise up high and wrap around a high support beam before knotting it's self-off leaving Terra to dangle in the air making her body weight lean her down more on the rough rope binding her.

"Rrrnnnnn!" Terra cried out as the binding and position already made her feel funny. "This is too much." She complained.

"Oh no dear, this isn’t too much." Restrainer said moving his arms in and out of each other making the rope twist around into a coil which pulled it's self tightly over Terra's shorts making the rope connect to the beam rope that was holding her up as her crotch began to sink on top of the ropes.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Terra screamed as her large blue eyes bugged out as the feeling she felt from her crotch area was indescribable.

"Heheheh, oh I like that look and sound." The Restrainer said walking up to her and got behind her.

"L-Let me go! Let me go now!" Terra screamed out and right after finishing with her mouth wide open the Restrainer produced a large red ball gag from his sleeves and pulled the rubber ball between Terra's lips and buckled the ends tightly behind her head. "Mmfpfhhfpm!" Terra grunted into the gag shaking her head making her hair whip about wildly.

"Heheheh, a very nice sound young lady. Just what I want to hear from my entertainment for the night." Restrainer said stepping back to enjoy his work.

"Mrprmrmmrmr!" Hrhrhprmrmrm!" Terra grunted out as she started to drool and now felt humiliated. She soon yelped as the Restrainer helped himself to a few squeezes of her breasts followed by a few light slaps to Terra's tight ass making her moan loudly and glared at him darkly.

"I must say you came just in time for villains night Terra, my crowd tonight is sure to enjoy a captured titan beauty like you and with time hopefully I can add that foxy Starfire and emo Raven to my collection." He said smirking.

"Ngngngn! Nrnrnrnr!" Terra cried out still shaking her head. She would never be bait for her friends.

"Well you just float there and be a good girl now while I finish setting things up." Restrainer said with a laugh walking away.

"Mrmrprmrmrm!" Terra cried out in frustration as she attempted to struggle but yelped loudly as any of the slightest movements along with her already tight shorts greatly teased her privates and she began to feel warm and turned on as the rope around her chest made her feel warm in the chest. “Hrhrrm! Mmrmrphhhh!” Terra began to cry softly as she was left dangling there waiting for the crowd to finally come.

Once the villains finally did start coming in, they had great glee and enjoyment upon seeing Terra tied up like she was and started to howl and cheer making her blush deeply and even shut her eyes wanting this to end or just be a really bad dream. Though when people got rowdy Restrainer did threaten to make them join Terra’s plight on stage but that didn’t stop Jinx from teasing her from the crowd.

“Hrhhrrnnnn!” Terra cried out wondering when the team would realize what was going on and finally save her.

"Ohohohohoh." The Restrainer chuckled. "Tonight, I'll be making lots of money!" He proclaimed proudly over the cheers of the crowed and Terra's loud moans. "Not that you will be getting any." He told the grunting Terra who was forced to struggle for the crowed much to her displeasure till help could arrive.

The end.


Original Artists Statement
Published: August 22, 2014

Original line art by openminded20.deviantart.com/
You can view it here openminded20.deviantart.com/ar…
Now courtesy of Ed375, read the Fan Fic! ed3765.deviantart.com/art/Teen…

I've  been looking forward to inking and coloring this picture since  Openminded20 made it in April. A few years back if I was known for  anything at all it would've been for inking and coloring other peoples  work and for a while I entertained the notion that that was what I was  going to do professionally. Id still like to but the truth is I think  that job class is just going to dissappear from the comic book world and  it definitely hasn't materialized elsewhere in the digital illustration  universe so the days of the classical inker are numbered.

I  still ink and color occasionally when something really strikes me or if  i'm persuaded to do it but a few years ago I worked on a Sakura picture  made by an artist who has changed his name more frequently than prince.  He was cool with it and the end result if I may say so myself was  phenomenal. Things just clicked. I took a lot of liberties with it and  changed the pose slightly, the coverage of the cloths slightly and other  format/composition issues but it was still a two man effort.  Unfortunetly a deviant artist who liked it said "Wow its way better than  the original!" and thats when hells gates opened lol. Unbeknownst to me  the original pencil artist and the fan started a flame war below my  picture and my message feed didn't pick any of it up so I didn't  discover it for a year afterwards. The picture has long since been taken  down but to this day the original sketch artist holds me responcable  for what the fan said or maybe for not getting his back which I would've  done had I been aware of what was going on and now years later whenever  I drop him a line I still get the cold shoulder.

Just another day as an inker/colorist.



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