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“Isn’t it time to die even by mistake?”

Lyle turned his head and frowned irritably.

The news from the panicking servant was that the empress had attempted suicide again.

It’s already the eighth time.

As always, the queen only “attempted suicide” and was fine.

I’d rather she die already.

It was Emperor Lyle who would be in the most difficulty if Medea died, but he was exhausted to that extent.

From rolling on the stairs, falling from a horse to tumbling into a pond accident. Falling frequently seemed to be a hobby at this point. Even jumping off a running carriage…

Honestly, in Lyle’s eyes, it was a curious miracle that Medea was still alive and not dead.

Did he say you fell off the balcony on the second floor this time? It’ll break your neck if you fall.

Seeing that there was no mention of the empress’s death from the servant’s mouth, she seemed safe again, but the servants only looked around without saying a word, “Your Majesty… shouldn’t you go see her?”

Lyle picked up the bow irritably. Something was moving in the distance between the bushes. It seems to be a deer in size and form.

“I haven’t heard of it yet,” Lyle said, and his servants looked at each other.

Lyle didn’t even spare a glance at the frozen servant.

“If you don’t want to replace that deer, you’d better tame your mouth.” The attendant quickly bowed, covering his mouth.

Lyle held his arrow to the bow and aimed at the deer in the distance.


“Is His Majesty here?”

“Not yet……” said the little maid, stamping her feet with a bluish face.

When Medea came to her senses, if the Emperor was not with her, the people around her would die.

Last time, if the Emperor appeared one step late, many of the maids would have lost their necks.

Medea Constance Caird, the eldest daughter of the Duke, was the Prince’s fiancee from the age of twelve.

She was a stunning girl even at the age of twelve, to the point
that no one ever doubted that she would grow up to be the most gorgeous woman in the Empire.

When the late Emperor passed away, the Prince ascended the throne and, at the same time, made her the Empress at the tender age of sixteen.

This was because the young Prince desperately needed the power of the Duke of Caird to become the Emperor.

But the young and naive Medea changed as soon as she became the Empress.
No, perhaps no one bothered to notice until she left the dukedom that Mildia had such thoughts.

Even though Medea had acclaim as the most attractive woman in the Empire, she thought that somehow she had fooled the world and that she was hideous.

I am not beautiful. If Lyle, who went to bed and didn’t embrace me, it’s because I am ugly. If Lyle didn’t sleep in the room because of a heavy workload—he was actually rejecting me and advising me that I was too fat.

Medea was hungry for Lyle’s affection and used possible resource to obtain it.

The Empress, who now considered herself fat, quickly dried up in three months.

When Lyle, who could not stand it, banned fasting, Medea secretly threw up her food.

Lyle refused to sleep with her, seeing Medea’s emaciated state. When he declared that he would not sleep with her until she reached a certain weight, Medea reluctantly ate her food.

When dieting was banned, she started to focus on the women around her.

Medea was terrified that Lyle would have an affair.

Many of the Emperor’s maids were replaced with servants, and the maids who kept by his side were chosen because they were ugly.

Controlling the castle didn’t satisfy her, so she began to monitor and interfere with Lyle’s every move inside or outside the palace.

‘Have you seen that woman now?’

At that stinging remark, my blood dried up; it had been a while since I used a separate room because I didn’t feel like it.

At the request of nobility, at an appointed night, Lyle reluctantly shared his body without uttering a word.

Medea complained that she was always lonely and distressed.

Why don’t you tell me I’m beautiful or look at me with a sweet glaze? Even my screaming and begging don’t seem to work. I want to depose Lyle twelve times a day, but instead, I’m enduring without an end in sight.

Medea’s father, Duke Caird, was still the head of nobility and could fight against Lyle.

There was the presence of his uncle, Archduke Rowendal.

Duke Caird pretended to remain neutral and refused to rout Rowendal.

If Rowendal was defeated, who would be next?

“Umm … .”

The maids who were restlessly nursing Medea were startled.

The eyelids covered with long eyelashes trembled and opened.

Soon the blue eyes looked at them.

The maid looked at Medea, trying to suppress the trembling of her fingertips. “Y… Your Majesty the Empress. Have you come to your senses?”

Then Medea showed an expression she had never seen before.

She scanned the maid warily as if she was guarding herself. Her eyes seem to ask the maid, ‘what’s wrong with you?’

Intuitively, the maid felt something was wrong. “Your Majesty?”

Medea blinked and looked at the maid. It was a beautiful face, even if it was often frowning or screaming. But the maid didn’t know how many years it’s been since she saw that face don such a calm expression.

“Uh…… me?”

The maid swallowed dry saliva. She had been ready to receive the poison; the next words to come out of Medea’s beautiful deathly lips would surely ask: “Did you tell him to come?”

The maid was trembling and wondered what possessed her to become a maid.

No matter how much the Emperor hates the Empress, they are the first to suffer from the Empress’s antics.

“Huh…… Empress?”

Medea got up from bed in a hurry. The maids hurriedly grabbed her as she had just suffered a concussion and would be dizzy.

Medea shook off the hands and grabbed her hair.

Then with a frightened face, she said, “Long hair!”

Then she pulled the hem of her dress and looked down, “What’s this dress… … . Huh, it’s totally big.”

Then her hand came down and studied her waist and stomach. “No belly fat? I’m thin? What’s this…”

I looked around with a stiff face.

The high and magnificent ceiling paintings with sculptures of gods and heroes.

A magnificent lobby? No, there’s a bed…..bedroom?!

Even women dressed in medieval maid outfits…. My eyes started to spin.

Then she passed out. It was too much.

The screams of “Empress!” rang in the queen’s bedroom.


“… … Memory loss?”

Taking off the hunting gloves, Lyle frowned.

By now, he thought he would receive a report and then have to issue an order to save the Empress’s maids.

But unexpected news came. Lyle was so excited,

“If she loses her memory, then I’ll sleep in peace tonight!”

“Because you don’t remember me, I won’t have to hear the ranting of that delusional woman that I’m hiding a woman in my bedroom.”

“It’s no time for you to joke around. I think it’s true this time.”

Even with Sid’s grave tone, Lyle wasn’t very trusting.

Whenever Medea tried to commit suicide, she had lost her breath for a few moments and had ‘died.’

“Memory loss…… Would the Empress be trying to make a ridiculous request regarding the couple’s appearance… have you looked into it, and has she been checked?”

“Yes. Your Majesty should also come… …”

But Lyle’s expression was cold. “I can’t heal her. If she truly does have amnesia, I would be a stranger, so it would be better not to show my face.”

“Ha, Your Majesty… … .”

Lyle walked away with a face that said he didn’t want to hear anymore. Sid chased after the emperor with a flustered look.

Five days later, Lyle had to visit her even though he didn’t want to.

He was going to verify if she really lost her memory.

I’d rather sleep on that fifth day.

Lyle asked Sid about today’s schedule, erasing the disgusting Empress’s face from his head.


Medea was lying in bed alone.

The doctor went and asked her various questions.

During the conversation, she found out that she was Medea Constance Caird.

‘Medea.’ I remembered the name because it reminded me of the evil character in “The Emperor’s Beautiful Sword.” She attempts suicide multiple times before the protagonist appears.

She was a real dying Empress, merely a writing device to explain the Emperor’s disdain of women.

‘This is in the realm of possibility,’ Medea thought, looking up at the bed’s canopy with a blank face.

Transmigration, age regression… In recent web novels, such things have been in vogue.

She also read a lot of them on her cell phone and computer:

‘I guess you don’t have to be unmarried to be possessed!’

To already be a woman of the Emperor so I can’t even flirt. No, it was very, very bad.

And wtf the background is in the Middle Ages.

Medieval settings fit movies and are suitable for novels, but there are no games, television, or web novels here!

‘How do I live!?’

It was like a death sentence (I feel you chica if I didn’t have the internet during quarantine… ekkk) for her, who looked forward to reading her web novels during her commute.

‘I’m addicted to web novels!’ Medea shed tears of blood as she recalled a web novel that had not yet been completely read. (A moment of silence for all the promising and not completely translated web novels out there)

It was regrettable that she had not read all the web novels before falling into the Middle Ages.

Besides… … she died without spending all the money she had saved!

This is the most annoying and infuriating fact.

“Why am I dead?”

My last memory was when I drank a bottle of bomber liquor and wine recommended by my boss at a dinner party.

I was already in the middle of drinking my 18th cup and about to stop when that dog manager said, “Won’t it be hard on Oh Soo-Yeon if she can’t be a full-time employee this time around?’

She smiled and recalled his face while he was recommending alcohol.

Medea kicked off the blanket.

I drank that one cup and I died! At that time, I should have ripped off his hair! After drinking that last cup, my eyes started spinning… … and I fell.

After that, the other staff screamed, and before I completely blacked out, I saw the face of that dog manager… …” I’m dead, so yeah, I’m not alright!… Aren’t you abusing your position and thanking the stars you won’t be sued because I’m an orphan? No…nevermind … . My uncle is not a person that would miss this chance.”

Soo-Yeon’s uncle was a terrible person.

It was him who took the house in her parents’ name and put her into an orphanage.

When Soo-Yeon entered a well-known company as an intern, uncle contacted her as if nothing had happened before.

‘Let’s make do with garbage and put it in the dump.’ The trash was her uncle and that dog manager.

It was a sad tale of a distant country that could not even be shared, plus she had already died…

That’s right, what’s the meaning of possessing a web novel character suddenly?

Medea was to jump off the balcony on the second floor and die… … Medea’s soul may have disappeared, but Medea’s body is still alive.

She may have been a nominal empress but the plot already suffered a huge blow.

The male protagonist, Lyle, was portrayed as a character with a slight case of misogyny due to his suffering at the hands of the concubines of his predecessor as a child and suffering from Medea as a teenager.

He was reluctant to meet a new woman, so he tried to see to it that the Empress bore him a successor so he could stop relations as soon as possible.

Oh crap, I can’t do that. Are you telling me to have a baby?

Su-Yeon, who has been single since birth, is virtually ignorant of love affairs. She read romance novels, but that didn’t mean she wanted to date.

Her desire for love was fulfilled by all the web novels and romance books consumed, so there was no reason to lean on reality. When her parents were alive, she tried her hand at unrequited love and flirted a bit here and there, but that all occurred when she was young and had her parents’ security.

After having to survive alone in the world, she gave up on her dream of romance; because of student loans, living expenses, and the glow of monthly rent.

Love was considered a luxury.

“I can’t date anyone here either. If I was going to do this, I would have been the protagonist or a mother character that starts with a baby… No, it’s a good thing I didn’t start as a beggar or slave.’

I’ve read quite a few web novels that start with beggars or slaves.

After suffering tremendous abuse and suffering for a long time, they meet the male protagonist or go out on their own.

‘I don’t have such energy.’ (Mood)

The fluffy bed was really comfortable.

On top of it, Medea concluded she was ready fortunate to be in the Empress’s body.

I could have been much more miserable or unfortunate.

The male protagonist Lyle hated Medea, but still treated her as Empress.

It wasn’t merely because Medea was a politically necessary entity; Lyle wasn’t a bad guy either. He hated her for a good reason; Medea emotionally terrorized him.

Still, Soo-Yeon had always liked and sympathized with Medea more than Lyle.

Born as the eldest daughter of the Duke of Caiad, Medea was abused by her mother from an early age.

She was a woman who was burning with the ambition to be Empress.

The lecherous Emperor ended up giving as a reward to the Duke of Caird to settle that annoying ambition.

But the method was cruel.

From the moment Medea learned to speak, she had to learn imperial courtesy, and her diet was strictly controlled.

There was nothing she didn’t do to preserve her beauty and maintain her elegance and perfection; the Duchess whipped up her the only person she loved, the nanny, whenever Medea made a mistake.

Even when she gained weight, stuttered, or stumbled during a dance, her nanny was beaten into a bloody pulp.

It was useless for Medea to cry and beg. In the meantime, her nanny embraced and consoled her.

Crying about her failures, for being fat, ugly, and ill-mannered, Medea was consoled by her nanny that she is the most beautiful girl in the world.

But on the day Medea marries Lyle and becomes Empress, the Duchess accidentally kills the nanny.

When Medea found out, she broke.

It was then that Lyle showed meager polite affection for her.

Being the sole person left in her life that showed her kindness, Medea became obsessed with him and began to display abnormal behavior.

I still remember the scene where the nanny died.

Medea’s nanny begged the Duchess to send her to the young Empress. ‘If I don’t go, she’ll be anxious.’

The Duchess was annoyed by such a nanny. She had never shown affection to Medea but was envious of Medea’s possession of someone’s love and loyalty in addition to her new title.

“How dare you have such confidence!” The Duchess whipped and clubbed the nanny to death.

The Duchess ended up blaming Medea:
‘It was her lousy luck to be with you.’

Medea was deeply scarred.

Her nanny had praised her beauty, but she believed she was ugly and cursed.

Even though she became the wife of Emperor Lyle and had power, wealth, status, and beauty, Medea was not happy and was still hungry.

Lyle and Medea were both just young, traumatized fools with too much power. In addition to those stressors, Lyle was busy seizing power in order to survive in the cruel world of politics.

Recalling the novel’s length, comparatively, the actual explanation of Medea and her appearance was short-lived.

The main character of was a knight. The main character was the Count’s young lady, Seira, who becomes a crossdressing knight to protect her house and her brother Ian after the death of their father.

At first, she plans to pretend she is Ian until he inherits the title, but when she gets involved with Lyle, her plans go awry.

‘What will happen to the two because Medea is alive?’

The Emperor likes Seira and puts her by his side, and the people of Seira’s county estate also try to hide her secret.

They were a lovely group of weak people rooting for her.

In the middle of the story, a bully shows up and threatens Seira with her secret. It was infuriating, but… … ‘Can I help you with that? Ah- I don’t know what to do.’

When I was alive, my purpose was to just hold on to my job. Then buy a house, save money for retirement, and then relax…. ‘I tried to find happiness by reading web novels until my death, but…… I had only had a little more to go to finish the book… . Ugh… …

Medea, sulking and bowed her head while thinking, worried.

Looking at the progression, the protagonist surely demanded a breakup from the male protagonist, who was cold-hearted because he was embarrassed by his obsession with her.

Medea considered divorce.

‘Is this an era where you can live properly as a divorcee?’

There is no electricity and no conveniences.

It would be extremely uncomfortable and challenging to live in a world without basics like a washing machine and a gas stove.

Now, she possessed the Empress and is living a luxurious life….. but what if she gets kicked out of here? Will the Duke truly accept her back?

Scenario 1. She’s driven out to the temple and lives as a nun for the rest of her life.

Scenario 2. If the Duke doesn’t accept her, Medea can become a commoner.

Well. Is it bad… … . ‘I’ll have to look at the situation here and think about it.’

‘The room is not bad, and the maids I saw today were dedicated to Medea.

Unless it was a situation where I had to give birth to the Emperor’s child, I could get used to this. … .

Since there are no web novels, I would like to live watching a love story for a lifetime… … . But I don’t know if the novel here is to my taste.

Ugh… … . My writers. I loved you so much.

Thanks to you guys, I was really happy for a moment during my tough working life…

… While thinking those thoughts, Medea fell asleep.


Every night, Medea, like a ritual, led the knights to search Lyle’s bedroom.

She even ordered that off all of the men’s tops come off to check if they were men. (or….. ABS!)

Thanks to this, no assassin came to Lyle’s bedroom, but Lyle had to lose sleep as he watched the search that took two or three hours every night.

‘…… She’s really not coming.’

Lyle frowned while lying in bed, and it seems to be the time he had such a peaceful night since marrying Medea.

When they shared a bed, she was always crying or enraged, and even when she inspected each room, she chastised Lyle for having a woman.

What was the problem?

During her engagement, she was mild and well-mannered. There was no sign of her instability.

It was right after she went to the duchy after her marriage that she became strange.

It was from then on, Medea started obsessing over Lyle.

At the time, he couldn’t pay attention to her for long because he was too busy fighting against his uncle.

I’m a little sorry about that, but……

‘If she lost her memory…… Is she…… Is the girl who looked nervously down at the back of my hand and who hiccuped—is she back?’

It occurred to me that ‘It doesn’t make any difference.’

Even if she doesn’t remember, everything she did doesn’t disappear. Being hurt doesn’t allow you to hurt others.

She will continue to be the Empress, but Lyle decided he would have nothing to do with her heart.


The next day, the following day, and the successive day, Medea did not come to Lyle’s room.

Although her maids tried to halt gossip from circulating, rumors of the Empress’s amnesia spread among the courtiers of the Imperial City.

And some of the most noticeable things were the things that the Empress didn’t do.

For instance, there was no sign of the Empress harassing the Emperor, of a maid or attendant being kicked out of a room or slapped across the face.

“Does she really have amnesia?”

Lyle was walking down the hall, his face twisted.

There was no movement from Duke Caird’s side, showing his careless regard toward Milledia, but he wasn’t wholly unconcerned about his daughter’s safety.

The Duke was the one who politically pressured the Emperor to share a bed with his daughter; because sharing a bed with the Emperor gave one higher importance in and outside the Palace.

This made Lyle hate Medea more.

“Your Majesty!”

The voices of the maids who seemed to burst into tears came from afar.

Lyle crumpled his face as soon as he heard the sound of “Empress!”

Even if it was only three days ago, she had a major concussion. It’s a serious injury that would typically leave a noble lady lying in bed for at least a week.

“Your Majesty! Empress! Don’t run! You shouldn’t even take off your shoes!”

‘What?’ Hearing, Lyle turned to the maids’ words in disbelief.

Medea was the incarnation of perfect etiquette. Every fingertip, every strand of hair was always in place.

Lyle couldn’t believe his eyes, as she had never violated the rules of etiquette.

“Shut up, you stalkers! I want to be alone!” said the stranger that resembled the Empress.

She rolled up her skirt for easy running, and her strides were as broad and robust as a man’s. Medea ran past Lyle, Sid, and several servants without a glance, as if she hadn’t even seen them.

The men looked at the Emperor mutely, holding their breath with bright faces.

‘Are you crazy?’ That’s the only thought Lyle had in his head.

But Medea staggered and fell forward, stepping on the hem of her skirt.

Because she was the Empress and a lady in name, Lyle and all his men flinched forward as if to help.

However before she could be helped, she grabbed at a suit of decorative armor from one side of the hall.

The armor fell on top of Medea with a massive crash. With a fright, everyone screamed.

“Your Highness!”

“Ahhhh.. …”

Miledia, covered in decorative armor, looked irritated.

Lyle’s eyes went wide when he registered that not only was she barefoot, but she had no makeup on.

She was barefoot only when she went up to bed, but Lyle had never seen Mildia walk down the hall in slippers.

Plus, her bare face…!

I had never seen her face without makeup before or after our marriage. Even when we first met—even though she was 12 years old at the time!


The attendants and the maids hurriedly removed the armor around her. Still sitting on the floor, Medea slowly looked around. As if she was trying to find out who called her.

Sly, she pretended as if she doesn’t know who called her and is just trying to look for a hole to escape in.


Lyle sang in a low tone, wondering if she dared to ignore him, the maid quickly gave Medea a hint.

Medea turned to Lyle with clear eyes as if she were looking at something unfamiliar; she looked him up and down and then fixed her gaze on his face again.

‘What’s up?’ The gaze was quite different from his recollection. Those twinkling eyes are like…

‘It’s like a five-year-old looking at chocolate through the window of a candy shop.’

He realized it was a creepy analogy; Lyle coughed loudly to push the thought away.

“Empress, what are you doing here?”


The expression of Medea, who was recklessly sending a longing look, changed.

Lyle was surprised again because she was clearly showing varied expressions.

Until now, Medea always had strong expressions of contempt and hatred, but vague responses to anything else.

“… It was uncomfortable.”

“What do you mean?”

When Lyle asked back in confusion, the maids exchanged anxious eyes.

Lyle looked back at them, realizing that there was not only himself but also his lieutenants, Sid, and other officials.

“Go ahead first. I have something to say to the Empress.”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Sid and other officials expressed courtesy to Lyle and Milledia and withdrew.

As they were utterly estranged from each other, Lyle looked back at the maids, not Milledia. They had a lot to say.

“I can’t believe the Empress is running in the hallway of the Palace. What’s going on here?”

No one could persecute the Empress. Except for maybe the Emperor himself, Lyle.

“…The Empress, Her Highness awoke, so I tried to do her hair and face as usual. But then suddenly, the Empress insisted that it wasn’t necessary and stopped us. She said… she couldn’t stand it anymore, opened the door, and kept running…”

“What about the shoes?”

“She took off her indoor shoes… … she said they were uncomfortable to have shoes inside… running.”

The maid said slowly, bowing her head as if she was too embarrassed to speak.

Lyle could not believe her word even though there was visible evidence.

“Really, Empress?”

“… .”

Medea felt like hiding in a mouse hole.

Honestly, most of the cosmetics here are natural and have a similar color… … but the quality was much worse than modern cosmetics.

When I put on makeup, my face was itchy, and powder flew away.

There was an inflator device to shape hair, but why is it so heavy?

It seemed strange that all the noble ladies weren’t bald already.

I put up with it for two days, but I wasn’t even meeting with anyone, and so I just ran away in annoyance, but the maids chased me. They kept following me as I ran, and I took off my slippers because it was uncomfortable.

“In the presence of His Majesty… I’m ashamed of showing offense… ..and I’m here… .. asking you to please forgive me.”

I squeezed out words based on what I read in web novels.

But it was difficult to speak these words, and it was hard to get the itch out of her mouth, so Medea spoke while turning her head away.

Lyle frowned. “Where are you looking at, Empress?”

“Well, I’m too ashamed to face you.”

… The horse was a good talker, but Lyle couldn’t believe a word.

Lyle, impatient, approached Medea and turned her head. It wasn’t a rough touch, but Medea looked at Lyle with a shocked face. As if she didn’t know Lyle would touch her.

Lyle looked down at Medea with a slight sense of embarrassment.

Medea shut her mouth tightly and glared.

“I was wrong.”

I never recalled one time where she admitted that she had done something wrong.

She always blamed and accused Lyle.

It was because he didn’t give me love, because he didn’t laugh, and because he didn’t come….

It was as if someone who resembled her was pretending to be the Empress… or twins were reversed …

“Stand up.”

Lyle ordered, it was annoying to see Medea still sitting on the floor.

The attendants and the maids quickly supported Medea up. Two maids put her shoes on, and Medea got up, brushed off her dress as if it was insignificant.

The maids were also grooming her clothes, but it was strange to see.

“Empress,” Lyle impulsively called Medea.

Medea reacted late. As if the name Empress was not hers.

“Do you really not remember anything?”

A complicated look flashed through her beautiful face. An embarrassed face that was apologetic, confused and as if it couldn’t be helped, Medea affirmed.

Even though her eyes told him otherwise, Lyle felt as if he was being deceived for some reason.

“I’m sorry to bother you when you must be busy with your work. If you have nothing further to say, I’ll see you.”

I bow politely and wait. It wasn’t perfect etiquette, but it was rare for Medea to say that she would go first.

Lyle frowned and said, “Yes. Go ahead.”

When he allowed it, she quickly turned away coldly. Lyle watched Medea walk away for a while with a thoughtful face.


“His Majesty’s eyes were hot when he looked at Her Highness…”

To the maid carefully spoken words, Medea shuddered.

“I’m mistaken.”

‘Oh crap, did you hate me already?’

While her throat burned with a sense of crisis, the maids kept watching Medea face and spoke even more ridiculous words.

“Isn’t His Majesty concerned about your illness…”

“Your Majesty seems to be worried about your Majesty, the Empress.”

Medea looked back at the maids with a frown. As if they were awakened,’ Hyuk!’ they stopped smiling.

“I’m going to the library, so don’t let anyone approach it.”

“Are you going to the library again?”

“For health, one should take a walk once a day.”

“It’s a long way to the library.”

Responding in a flat tone, Medea started walking.

She looked back at the following maids and said, “Do not enter the library. Do not open the door until I call you.”

As she entered, Medea shook her head. I am grateful to the maids, but every five minutes, they asked me if there was any inconvenience.

She felt burdened and uncomfortable to be waited on by maids. It was natural for her to bring her own water and dress herself.

“Your Majesty, if you walk so…”

While she was lost in thought, he must have walked quickly without realizing it. The poor maid advised Medea.

‘If I keep acting rude, will Lyle dethrone me? Or confine me?’

But neither action was fit for the novel’s male lead.

The reason he did not become Medea’s supporting strength was simply because he did not know.

Lyle didn’t know that Medea was ill. He never knew that she was abused as a child,

If Medea had asked for help, Lyle would have protected her thoroughly.

‘Well, I think you might be a little eccentric.’ Lyle was such an emperor.

He was an emperor who had no blood or tears and could be cruel, but he worked hard to be generous to his own people.

It was also against such loyal consciousness that Medea wasn’t already deposed even though she tormented him.

‘Because she was my person. I thought I should protect her.’

‘Since Lyle is her—err my husband, I might be able to do something about that.’

Brought out of her thoughts, Medea was told that she breached some rule of etiquette while walking.




“Your Majesty!”

Lyle turned to Sid, startled.

Suddenly, Sid, standing in front of the desk, laid down a bundle of documents in front of the Lyle.

“What are you thinking about so deeply?”


When I replied with a sulky face, Sid glanced back at the servants in the Oval Office.

They quickly stepped out of the office.

“Is it because you saw the Empress earlier?”

I don’t want to admit it, but I was bothered by Milledia.

Lyle replied without releasing his frown.

“I’ve never seen Medea run.”

‘I thought you would never run, even if the palace was on fire.’

“I always thought she would rather die than disregard a noble’s dignity and decorum.”

Lyle’s expression at Sid’s reply became severe.

“…Is it really memory loss?”

“What if it is? Are you going to visit?”

Lyle sighed.

It seems that Medea has become a completely different person he doesn’t know.


“Then what are you worrying about? Is it because the union night is in two days’ time?”

For a moment, Lyle was confused and then stunned.

I was so preoccupied with Medea that completely I forgot that the day of our union was approaching.

Sid nodded as if he was troubled.

“If she doesn’t remember… … she may refuse.”

“It’s her duty as Empress. She won’t reject it.”

I replied, irritated.

But to my annoyance, Sid’s expression seemed to say, ‘Is that so?’

“But it didn’t seem to me that she even remembered etiquette. It is even questionable whether something like the Empress’s duty remains in her head now.”


Thinking about Milledia already gave Lyle a headache, now it feels like there’s already another problem he will stress out about.

Lyle became very uncomfortable.

“Why don’t you go and take a look?’

“It seems like someone wants me to be close to the Empress.”

“Her Majesty, the Empress has changed. That’s a good enough reason.”

Sid, who answered in an even tone, met Lyle’s glare.

The Duke of Caird was not entirely on Lyle’s side, even though their political views were consistent. Perhaps if there were a son between Lyle and Medea, he would be a loyal ally of Lyle’s, unless Lyle abused her greatly.

He might even be willing to deal with Lyle’s uncle, Lord Rowendal.

“Aren’t you going to be with the empress anyway?”

Lyle did not intend to dethrone Medea even if he did wonder if she was infertile.

I have no intention of adding another task to my pile of burdensome responsibilities like having an affair or taking in a concubine.

The former Emperor had too many affairs, mistresses, and concubines—his innumerous infidelities had shocked the country.

Fortunately, the Emperor had only one woman, but rumors spread that the Emperor was cursed because of the his father’s excesses.

“I’m not reluctant.”

Just like you have to drink medicine, Lyle thought of Medea as something bitter that must be swallowed and used. Well, not even a must-swallow treatment. Medea was only bitter. That’s what Lyle felt for Medea.


I almost spat in my tea.

In a voice that barely swallowed and choked, Medea asked:

“Union day?”

Her voice increased a couple of notches, loud enough to ring in the room.

The maid-in-waiting looked at Medea with an expression that wanted to point out her lack of propriety.

After losing her memory, she became like a child.

She is the highest woman in the Empire, the mistress of the imperial family. Additionally, if her memory comes back, she was also the woman who would point out everything the maids had done and discipline them harshly.

“…You are the mistress of the Imperial Palace, and you have an obligation to continue the imperial family line and bear it’s heir and descendants.”

In the novel, Medea was only portrayed as a dead empress, but there was no such story of the joint nights.

Medea, who thought that Lyle would never come to her bedroom because of their estranged relationship, was embarrassingly bewildered.

“But… … But I don’t remember His Majesty!”

“You can think of it as the first night.”

It was the first night in many ways.

But Medea shook her head.

“No. I’m not in that condition. I fell off the second floor and still have a concussion!”

“His Majesty also witnessed your Majesty running down the hall.”

When the Emperor, who was staring with his mouth open, came to mind, the maid became more embarrassed.

‘She wasn’t like this… … .’

“Chit. Is there any other way… … .”

If it were Medea before she lost his memory, she would have been anxiously waiting for the union night. And her tension and anxiety would have been relieved by grabbing and pulling at the maids as if they were rats.

After recalling the memories of that time, the maid in waiting thought things were better now. The Empress’s attitude seemed to be softer than before.

“His Majesty is a very chivalrous man. So don’t worry, just follow His Majesty’s lead……”


If he had been really a chivalrous man, he would have stopped by at least once to see his sick wife’s condition, but the criticism was swallowed.

Lyle not coming to see her was a good thing while she was new in Medea’s body.

‘Ah… do I have to run away…’

Medea sank on the sofa with a tired face. Even if you run away, where would you go?

I couldn’t figure out what this world was like in the perfectly coordinated imperial palace.

She knew she was perfectly protected because she was an Empress.

What is the level of security in this world? Is it safe to walk out in the streets? If you run away and get a job, what kind of job can you get? What about your identity? Won’t they ask for your ID?

Tens of thousands of worries and thoughts were in my head.

As I started my day with a web novel and ended the day with a web novel, my imagination took off. The branches of my thoughts continued to spread out continuously, depending on various scenarios, and the endless possibilities grew.

“How secure is it in the capital city? Is it safe even if a lady doesn’t carry an escort?”

When Medea suddenly asked this, the maid-in-waiting turned pale.

It wasn’t hard to guess what the Empress was thinking, even if she had changed noticeably in just a few days.

“It’s never safe. You could be kidnapped and sold to traffickers in no time!”

“…… Isn’t lying to the royal family worthy of a severe punishment?”

“If you’re a regular child, you could be safe. But you are the most beautiful woman in the Empire.”

The maid-in-waiting ignored her beating heart, trembling nerves and managed to speak in a confident, calm tone.

“Your beauty is not obscured by disguise. Please consider the difficulties of those who serve you.”

Medea frowned at the maid bowing gracefully.

‘You seem certain that I’ll run away from home. Well…… If it’s dangerous as a woman, you can dress like a man….’

The maid was nervous as she watched Medea’s twinkling eyes. She was worried about the Empress, who had made so many mistakes. Thinking so, she dilberated about whether she should increase the number of her servants.

‘Maybe we increase the number of guards and escorts by telling His Majesty!’

While thinking of many things, the maid informed the Empress that she had finished preparing for her bath.

The day of the union was the next night, but the original Medea reportedly had to undergo a skincare regimen starting from the day before.

‘Tomorrow is the problem. How do we avoid it? Are you sure you won’t die if you refuse? Um…… should I just close my eyes and get it over with? Even if you do this and that, you’re still very handsome. Plus, he’s the male lead…..’

Meh! Where’s my pride? I can’t believe I’m falling into this world’s way of thinking where women’s rights are weak.

It was the worst.

If I was going to possess someone, couldn’t it have been a body with some ability?

There is no answer to my questions.

Meh, I don’t even have the motivation……’ (Girl, I feel you I haven’t even died or lost my internet connection and I’m depressed af)

Medea sighed as she headed to the bathhouse with her maids.



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