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Desired Goods: Carrie

Carrie has light brown skin and short curly hair which she sometimes put in a bun. Her eyes are a hazelnut brown with a thin speckle of green in them (at least that’s what her mom says). She likes fancy iced coffee drinks with extra whip cream and she’s not afraid to ask for the caramel drizzle even when her drink shouldn’t come with it. Carrie is an attention grabbing young lady, not for any outstanding beauty or lust inducing way she has about her, but more for the contrast in the shape her body had developed. She had a slim frame standing at 5 foot 7 inches. Carrie had long legs and slender arms, she had respectable B cup breasts and the kind of flat toned stomach that most girls were quite happy with. The outlier to what would be this girl's conventionally perfect physique was the large shapely butt that she carried behind her. While she may have worn small tops and shirts Carrie was forced to squeeze her soft lower half into large too X-Large sized pants and shirts, lest they fail to contain her booty. The weight and development of this area was only a surprise to those who didn’t know the girl, since even at a young age Carrie had a large appetite and the sweet tooth of a locust. It was for this reason that She always had a bag of chocolate almonds in her pocket at all times for when the desire for a snack would hit her. Carrie wrote off her “problem area” as more of a genetic thing as a similar shape could be found in most of the ladies in her family and had long ago given up caring much about what others thought or said about it. Carrie doesn’t have a boyfriend at the moment but has desires for one. She has two older (Tonya and Parker) sisters who live in town. She loved to draw and has aspirations of one day becoming an illustrator or concept artist.

Carrie walked into the decrepit store. Her 8 friends mere steps behind her as each poured in. the bell on the door letting out a spooky cry with each entering body. Carrie looked around, it was unlike anything she had seen before. Walls and vertically large rising shelves stood high and crossed each other crazily, forming an almost labyrinthian layout. From what Carrie could see the store was overflowing with inventory. Different and odd items, the Bizarre filled the store shelves.

“ I’m going to check out what’s over there,” Kim said, pointing towards a clothes rack in the back.

“Sure” Dede said as she started to walk her own way into the store's depths.

“Whatever” Alice said as she wandered in her own direction.

Not long after, it had become clear that all the girls had gone their own separate ways into the vacuous store space. Carrie was no different as she wandered aimlessly. She didn’t expect to find anything, but was having a fun enough time just taking in the sights of the store. its worn wooden shelves, cobwebs enveloping the nooks and crannies, and a bizarre collection of what seemed like completely random objects. Carrie wanted nothing more than to be able to sketch what her eyes were feasting on. If she didn’t feel like she might embarrass herself or get her and her friends kicked out, she’d have taken out her phone and started photographing the place top to bottom for her reference folders. Still, the desire to draw was quickly filling the young artist's mind.

On one shelf Carrie was walking by rested an old wooden Russian doll, the browns of the wood utilized as the skins of the doll, the paints on it were vibrant yet aged and as Carrie cradled it in her hands she could feel the deep and detailed carvings that gave it a look more akin to that of an Native American totem then a toy intended for a child. The painted eyes a deep dark black, the kind one feels like they may drown if they were to stare too long. Feeling uneasy and as though she was being watched Carrie put the Russian doll down and continued down the aisle, not wanting to be mistaken for having theft on the mind.

She continued down the hall aimlessly and alone. She stopped at a fork in the store's layout, in the centre a rack of knitted bags. Carrie half heartedly picked up the one closest to her. She figured she’d look it over, it had a chest design and after looking it over for abit, was surprised how cute she found, the material was soft, it  was quite big for what she would say was a novelty bag and it have a small button pocket on the outside and a zipper along the main opening.Carrie cliched the zipper handle and started opening the bag. The zipper must have been in worse condition than the rest of the bag had let on as Carrie was having a bit of trouble getting inside. Not wanting to rip or tear the bag Carrie stopped once it was ajar, a sudden chill felt as though it had filled the air and it felt as though the air was being breathed into the bag by a hideous void. Carrie closed the zipper, the act being easier than moving one's hand through water and despite her senses she couldn’t rationalize why she had, for what she felt to be caused by the bag was impossible. Yet she felt a returning warmth. Carrie started to look over the bag closer when something caught the attention of Carrie’s eyes. She put the bag back on the rack before bending down and reaching into an old wicker basket. Carrie pulled out a sketchbook from a pile of paintings, sheets and other large flat art supplies .

“ looks brand new” she said to herself

The book, while layered in a blanket of dust, seemed to still be in its original Saran Wrap. Carrie took the bottom of her shirt and whipped off some of the grey hell of dust to reveal an illustration of a laughing man’s face, on the back seemed to be a demon.

“The warlock Marzo” a voice interjected

Startled, Carrie slipped off her feet, her plush bottom smacking heavily against the floor.

“Ow” she muttered out. Rubbing her hand against her pained pillowy bottom before redirecting her attention to the one who startled her.

“ He was a magnificent man. He and his demon Thrall C’tanimeal were a force that nature itself came to despise.” The woman said with almost an air of nostalgia, a small smirk formed on the corners of her mouth.

“or, so they say.” she finished as she reached her hand out.

“Uh, yeah “ Carrie said with abit of confusion. She reached out to the stranger and was effortlessly hoisted to her feet, the quick and ease of which almost surprised Carrie as it had been awhile since the last time someone was able to lift the young lady without some exertion.

“My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you young miss” the woman said as she cradled Carrie's hand. The woman had long thin beautiful fingers, smooth, soft and feminine with nary a mark on them. Each fingernail was painted a deep and vibrant red with flawless cuticles and the elegance of each motion One could easily believe them to be the hands of a hand model. The woman was large, standing about a foot taller than Carrie and was immensely curvier. She had large pillowy breasts, tightly cramped against each other and hips, broad yet juicy, which must have caused havoc when she rocked them on the dance floor in her youth. Her skin was flawless smooth cream and her lips were painted a light crimson. Black hair poured down her shoulders and down her back, and she was wearing a tight black dress that clung to her body, its low-cut neckline showing a deep valley of cleavage. Carrie was admittedly taken back for a moment, the thought of how a comic or pinup based on this women would have ended up on every horny teens' walls flashed in Carrie’s mind before she collected her thoughts.

“ I was, just looking at the artwork on this book”

“Oh yes, the illustrations adorning that book are quite unique. I’m sure the owner’s art shall be just as phenomenal”

“Is this a sketch book?” Carrie asked as she held up the book, she saw that in the space of the book's fore edge, within the yet unscathed wrapping, rested a strange pen.

“An art book for one to create vibrant and fanciful realities and a noble pen to write the truths of such worlds” the women responded “ A wise choice”.

“ woah, woah, woah! back it up lady!” Blurted out, ironically taking a step back herself. Bumping the edge of her ample bottom against a shelf she was unaware was so close behind her. “ your good on the sales pitch, but I think your getting ahead of yourself here”

“I haven’t even found out the basics of this bad boy. Is this meant for wet or dry mediums? What kind of finish do the pages have and how many of them are there? And how much does it cost?” Carrie bombarded the women as she looked the book over, holding it up to the light in an attempt at glimpsing the details without breaking the seal.

“Our prices are always fair, would you like to continue to look around?” The woman retorted as she turned and began to amble away.

What should Carrie get?

The Sketch book.

The coin purse.

The Russian doll.

Keep shopping around.

Nothing, this place is sketchy af.


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